Siege of the Atlas Boss Kill Event

Where is TREEE!!!
Is this actually the big announcement for the night?

Please tell me this is a joke... where is the freaking Atlas Tree... This is getting old fast.

I think events like this just promote unhealthy gaming.

Anyone who finishes top 10 in this event is closer to a heart attack because there is no way they get top 10 without massive sleep deprivation, coffein intake and sitting down for much to long.

I pity anyone participating in this to win.
Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me.
nice rewards this time
where is the tree? =/
IF Steelmage sees this, VI VON ZULUL
Xbox prizes!!! Now we're talking GGG, thanks!!!
when fan art competition tho?
Last edited by Razis#4500 on Jan 31, 2022, 5:22:00 PM
Where is TREE!!!
Bulldoza wrote:
What's wrong with giving us the Atlas passive skill tree so we can plan out pathing. I don't see the harm in it and the league starts in 4 days...

are you serious? it's probably not done yet.

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