Siege of the Atlas Item Filter Information

NeverSink wrote:

POE development cycles are insane.

GGG keeps developing and polishing until the very last 12 hours (and this IS good). The filter post has already been edited 3 times and they keep adding things. For what it's worth, I think it's the best approach. There were times when GGG PMd me just a few hours before launch, because they added or changes some content.

I'm an alpha tester and at times I do get the information earlier indeed.

However that data is often even more unfinished and doesn't work in the current patch. Deploying it earlier will do no good. It will be broken on standard/current league and might not even work yet in the new one, since it's work in progress. Stability is key and this will cause a ton of damage.

On top of that, with the 10++ styles, 7 strictnesses, 3 economy versions, filterblade, item database, checking presets, autoupdater, aspect files and taking care of the scalable cloud infrastructure while maintaining costs and performance - there's a ton of work and testing involved. You obviously have no freaking idea how much work goes into it, but believe me we can absolutely use the time.

36 hours?! This league we've been working since ~3 f-ing weeks to get all of the technical stuff done and that doesn't even include the auto-updater. In the evenings. After work. Daily. The 8.0 update alone took probably 500+ hours. The switch to AWS about the same.

Finally filterblade is built in a way that you can do your changes now and load them once the patch hit and only adjust whatever is added.

The filterblade release streams have also been invaluable for promoting new filterblade features and getting player preferences to finetune the filter.

Not everything is perfect, but as far as I'm aware all of our releases gave users at least 3-6 hours to still finish the customizations.

But please, if my work is not good enough for you, go use something else.

PS: this definitely triggered me.


Image attached for current GIT states of the filterblade repo. We're at around 10000 commits at this point.

my biggest thanks to you for sticking to this difficult and time demanding project, hope it pays out eventually (not only in learning new stuff :).

ja, manche horste hier haben keinen plan, was es heißt, komplexe software in 12 wochen fertigzustellen. ist auch 3g's problem. man gewöhnt sich ja so schnell an 4 erweiterungen pro jahr und vergisst, wie lange andere klitschen dafür brauchen.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
ty <3
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Archnemesis Mods can be filtered by name. For example, ArchnemesisMod "Hasted" or ArchnemesisMod "Toxic"

I can't add individual retributions, as you write, I have everything highlighted in a row with a new class, and I want to see only certain, when you enter the names Hasted or Gargantuan, the filter swears that it can't find the basic type of item. What type of item is it? help
Took me a bit to figure out, posting here in case it helps someone else.

The rules for


need to be in separate rules.

If you have them both together, the filter loads fine (no error report) but it just ignores them.

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