How the Siege of the Atlas Launch Went

was rly good start! GJ!

but pls fix TANE and blight bugs!
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Taomi wrote:
So, with the total peak (270.260) and the steamdb peak (158.882) we can deduce that currently close to 59% of all players are playing through steam.

60% players on steam is long time fact.
But some fan boiz still defend here ... more players is trough stand-alone launcher :D

And ofc ... for fan boiz it is best league and best update :D
But : after 4 days drop from 160k steam players to 60k right now (peak yesterday 110k)
So it is drop -50k players in 3 days.
+ count farm and trade bots ...
And look on twitch viewers ...

Iam not sure with that huge succes
Gargoyle123 wrote:
Can't say that much about the new league and changes to Atlas.
Still stuck in getting through the Acts snd frustrated to some point many players already playing on maps, level 90+ and amazing gear i've never able to get myself in the last 2+ years playing POE.
Is this P2W? I wonder how you can get to kill Maven or the Elder after ~16hours since start of league.
Do you need to play 24/7 or is this game for hard core gamers only?

This league took me down same as last league and it's even 4 days now.

For so fast progress u must be :
No life nerd or someone with good party, where you can run faster for WPs + exp boost.

Practicing .. yeah someone do that, maybe streamers. But i cant complete 1st act, couse it is same repetetive sheet after XX years in this game. Dont understand how can someone still run over and over again still same content. Maybe autists or i dont know.

My friend on SSF HC was yesterday 90 lvl. He is n1 on Hardcore. Yeah he is rly good, but alltime online :D
It is good for him? For his life? Just for some game? Who knows ...

This league is still the same like metamorph. Atlas tree is useless. 60 points in, without impact on maps. Boost maybe 1 map from 5? Testing on Hardcore.

0 new skill gems, 0 act changes (dont count harder Act2 ... FO hardcore we know GGG) 0 exp changes. Someone like just copy build from streamer or from ninja, trade with bots to buy top items and spam 1 skill in endgame 24/7.

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