Effects Feedback Thread (Spells ,Waterfalls ,Falling leaves ect.)

I love the new effects in the Ledge.
I have a slightly different question about walking, though. I know you're gonna implement material detection, leaving footprints, etc, but I was wondering
if we're gonna see something more advanced, like flying little bits of grass when you walk through it or something like that? I saw such an effect in the newest Assassin's Creed title, Revelations.
I know I shouldn't compare or anything, I just wanted to give some info about it.
And I'm sure it would look awesome in Path of Exile.
"Rock is Overpowered. Paper is fine."
- Scissors.
abhor wrote:
I love the new effects in the Ledge.
I have a slightly different question about walking, though. I know you're gonna implement material detection, leaving footprints, etc, but I was wondering
if we're gonna see something more advanced, like flying little bits of grass when you walk through it or something like that? I saw such an effect in the newest Assassin's Creed title, Revelations.
I know I shouldn't compare or anything, I just wanted to give some info about it.
And I'm sure it would look awesome in Path of Exile.

Yeah I can make grass kick up easy. Its not a hard thing to do : P just make it play when you run over a grass material.
I like all the fluffy animals[img]http://i.imgur.com/mO8dR.png[\img]
y im slept?
I love the detail of the ants in the Weaver's chamber. It's really nice.

One thing I'd like to see is more of a visual display of critical hits. I see the gold sparks, but I wish there was a little bit more, like maybe an option for screen shake on crit? Nothing too big, just a little bit more of a visual notification that you smacked the hell out of whatever you were smacking :D
abhor wrote:
I love the new effects in the Ledge.
I have a slightly different question about walking, though. I know you're gonna implement material detection, leaving footprints, etc, but I was wondering
if we're gonna see something more advanced, like flying little bits of grass when you walk through it or something like that? I saw such an effect in the newest Assassin's Creed title, Revelations.
I know I shouldn't compare or anything, I just wanted to give some info about it.
And I'm sure it would look awesome in Path of Exile.

I have to second this suggestion. (more seconding the idea of more interactive effects and expanding on the effects/mood in each area, not so much just the specific effect suggested)

I do like the way the art is coming along and getting better with each revision, but I was playing yesterday and wondering "why do these stages look so static?" and then I realized its the lack of interaction with the environment.

The sand looks very "solid" even though its a "dry" day, you'd think a gust of wind would lift up some of the sand, or explosions or monsters being flung around on it would create the same effect. also the static water.. no trails when players walk through it, no ripples forming. (I know this is probably on the list of things to do, but it is one of the things contributing to the "static world" feel in the current patch imo)
same thing for a lot of the other stages, would be nice to see deep footprints in the mud, leaves rustle and move about as you run through them, rain with different effects when droplets fall on water rock or sand.
anything which makes the environment more dynamic and interact with itself.
maybe some volumetric fog and smoke effects to give more atmosphere to the dark catacombs and caves, or even make it a foggy day in some outdoor areas.

anyways, carry on, I do like how the art style is coming along, and its getting nicer every time I see something new. but I thought I'd throw these ideas out at ya since I was thinking about it yesterday when running through areas. Maybe its cause I've been on a bit too much skyrim lately and got use to being immersed in all kinds of environment effects with the rain/snow/fog. :P it does add a lot to the visuals imho.
Last edited by ZaichieK#7894 on Dec 21, 2011, 12:28:10 PM
Hey Russell!

I've just been reading some of the suggestions in this thread and one that stood out for me was the skills sort of evolving as you level them up, i.e. they slowly start to look more powerful with every level/few levels.

It's always fun progressing your character in games and, IMO, one of the best ways to show progression is through skills. It'll give the players some form of accomplishment and you could even provide special 'elite' forms of the skill in your store once it's a high enough level.

An example of this could be the 'Cold Snap' skill. It starts off with small shards breaking out from the ground and eventually larger shards with a more vibrant effect. (someone mentioned something similiar to this previously, thanks!)

I can imagine this would probably take a lot of time, so you could limit the effects to maybe every 10 or so levels.

Another suggestion related to this; Ask the community what kind of spell effects they would like to see in your shop once you guys open it up. It might make the previous suggestion easier.

Also, can't wait for you guys to get everything sorted that you mentioned in the first post! :D
maybe changing weather and lighting randomly in the opening of the instance may enhance the replayability of the game.
an always shiny or always rainy place seem's not right to me, a little boring may be...

act 2 forest are generally too shiny and hurt the eyes a little. I'd loved to see these places grayed and rainy (more jungle like).

I'm certain that these radical changes in weather coupled with the ever changing tileset could be a good thing.
visual variety is always good.

... nothing
__Z__ wrote:
maybe changing weather and lighting randomly in the opening of the instance may enhance the replayability of the game.
an always shiny or always rainy place seem's not right to me, a little boring may be...

act 2 forest are generally too shiny and hurt the eyes a little. I'd loved to see these places grayed and rainy (more jungle like).

I'm certain that these radical changes in weather coupled with the ever changing tileset could be a good thing.
visual variety is always good.

Id love to add heavy wind and things to a lot of areas. More rain and storms and stuff. I dont have the emitters for them at the moment however im sure they can be added easy enough when Jonathan has the time. I love bad weather :)

Also to the skills evolving idea.. the only reason we dont do this is because each skill already requires me to make say 3-4 effects. Lets take fireball for example. I have to have the fireball loop animation ,fireball hit effect and fireball damage effect. Now times that by 4 and see how many effects I have to make per skill : P. Seeing as the game already needs more skills pretty badly at the moment I dont think this would be a good investment of our time. However I agree skills should get stronger in not just numbers as they level up. Say fireball once you get it to level 10 it gets a +50% chance to burn on hit or the fireball its self gets larger and faster. That kind of thing. Things to help the players feel more powerful and bad ass as they level up.
I like all the fluffy animals[img]http://i.imgur.com/mO8dR.png[\img]
y im slept?
For what it's worth, you wouldn't have to design new effects for every portion of the spell -- you could just make the explosion animation cooler while leaving the others alone, etc. To the extent that spells/skills have 3-4 components, you could draw a single cooler version of each of them and unlock one every 5 skill levels.
"And 'Do what thou willst' shall be the whole of the law." -- Aleister Crowley
"First, love; then, do what thou willst." -- St. Augustine
"Whatever is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil." -- Friedrich Nietzsche


I love bad weather :)

:) love it too! especially ingame but also (sometimes) irl.

it's pointless to die under the sun...

another point with no link :
on frenzy charges : I don't understand the symbolism of dark green floating seemingly liquid orbs for frenzy.
they look more like poison charge or whatever, may be in my mind frenzy is more linked to blood and red colour....
... nothing
Russell wrote:
Id love to add heavy wind and things to a lot of areas. More rain and storms and stuff. I love bad weather :)

Great to see that you love this way ! Cause the biggest reason why i loved Kurast Docks chapter so much owing to bad weather and its depressive, cold and brooding atmosphere going all the time, which never let any moment lived dull, i can admit.

Jungles should be a lot more unfriendly is the better.
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