Raze your foes and split the skies in style with the new Vulcan Weapon Skin and Lightning Strike Effects! The Vulcan Weapon Skin covers all weapon types so it's sure to fit your cosmetic arsenal and the Vulcan Lightning Strike Effect calls forth a fearsome crack of lightning and a burst of lava! Check them out below or get yours here!

Combine both the Vulcan Weapon Skin and Lightning Strike Effect with the Vulcan Armour Set for an awesome themed look!

Thanks for your support!
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Grinding Gear Games
Fast and furious with the mtx releases :o
It will convert your forum titles into decorative square badges that use the space next to your forum posts more economically so that you can show off an unlimited number of them at any one time. - GGG, 2018 (https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3573673)
Jerle wrote:
Fast and furious with the mtx releases :o

Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead
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Love it! Hope there are some wings coming up to match the armor set.
Keep 'em coming!
Sweep MTX when?
Ancestral Protector MTX when?
Venom Gyre MTX when?
Wild Strike MTX when?
Glacial Hammer MTX when?
Heavy Strike MTX when?
Infernal Blow MTX when?
Static Strike MTX when?
Viper Strike MTX when?
Galvanic Arrow MTX when?
Cobra Lash MTX when?
Reap MTX when?
Pestilent Strike MTX when?
Lightning Tendrils MTX when?
Purifying Flame MTX when?
Creeping Frost MTX when?
Blazing Salvo MTX when?
Storm Burst MTX when?
Dark Pact MTX when?
Seismic trap MTX when
It is cool, goes together nicely with the set and such, I really like that we can pick the theme of our looks despite them being fire/ice/lightning/whatever as a base.

But what I REALLY want would be MTX themes around Misery with random varying swords per instance, generated out of a pool of potential looks from the aura or back attachment of that set for skills such as Molten Strike and Crackling Lance.

Imagine how cool that would be, shooting a giant blade for crackling lance that splits a bunch of other blades off the edges of it? or just raining out infinite swords with Molten Strike, talk about fitting a theme :P

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