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This cant be serious right? I dont see anything about making archnemesis stash tab biger or make it stack...does GGG think its fine the way it is right now? you literally dont even have space to make 1 complicated recipe GGG please???
Last edited by Deviant#8289 on Feb 9, 2022, 9:29:13 PM
When I try to allocate a favorite map it highlights everything, which is pointless.

I am trying to search for a map and it doesn't work because everything is lit up.
The Arch-Nem inventory should be stackable like a fossil tab.
GGG u gotta expand the Archnemesis Stash or make same ilvl Stuff be stackable.

When Chris said "its about Decisions" he ment the decision to not play the league because of its scuffed inventory?
You've gotta be kidding if you didn't even consider reworking the Archnemesis inventory.It fills up way too quickly. Please make them sorted like in maps, heist locker or metamorph tab. It's a total mess trying to micro manage every single piece you don't need because a new one just dropped. If that doesn't work atleast let us put it in the stash ffs. It's ruining the leagueeeee!!! At this rate everbody's gonna play lost ark.
This is not humanly possible to remember all 50 recipes from head and they even said they play tested it on 25 slots? Thats just impossible i literally spend more time looking up the recipes i need crafdt over and over becuz i simply cant remember them from top of my head so do many other people it just blows my mind chris think this is fine...
Community_Team wrote:
Blighted Maps Not Opening
We are still investigating this and will have a fix on the way once it is resolved.

This really needed to be more highly prioritised. It’s been - nearly - a week, and not having any kind of ETA for a solution to this is very frustrating for such a severe issue.

Usually I’d appreciate that even highly prioritised items can just be difficult to track down, but the sheer number of other resolved issues does suggest this has taken a backseat…
"VPs are not required to change their posting style. They are still welcome to express their opinions and take part in any discussions they wish. Their only responsibility is to continue doing what they have always done - posting in a friendly and constructive manner."

-GGG, 2015
Pretty sure there is a bug with drops. Yesterday and today I played for about 10 hours. Not a single frenzied drop, which I need to complete a big recipe chain.

While my luck has been really bad this season (I’m 89 and no ex drops yet), That is a high variance item, so it happens (my buddy is 86 and just found his 7th ex). This bad of luck with T1 drops is unacceptable.

I’m running the strongbox mods, so I’m getting a fair few carto boxes. I’m running whatever unid maps I get, or rare maps, so it’s not like I’m only getting a small sample of mobs.

The only thing I’m re-rolling is Ele reflect.

Something has to be wrong here.
Selling items to Kirac.

Yo was this because of me? :D my thread popped off on Reddit.. pog!
Mathils actual cat
Not working Culling strike !
Blight chest dropping nothing ! (item filter deactivated all item visible)
Metamorph 100% not dropping organs !
60 maps 2 master mission ???

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