New Microtransaction: Astral Weapon Effect

So where is the difference really between this and the Celestial one?
IGN: JackDaniels
Dont get me wrong i like ur work but why must every wep effect have to have a trail behind it? it ruins the effect every time imo :(
PurpleChakra wrote:
Praanesh wrote:
Got me excited until I saw the trail.

The trail is fuckin sick wym?

That's my personal opinion. Don't be bothered by it.
Still waiting for MTX preview
Praanesh wrote:
Got me excited until I saw the trail.

I agree. I have quite a few weapon effects with the trails, and I just don't like them as much.
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I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with
sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.
-Galileo Galilei
PurpleChakra wrote:
Praanesh wrote:
Got me excited until I saw the trail.

The trail is fuckin sick wym?

I thought it was cool too, until I saw the trail..

A simple fix that would sell more MTX to both sets of customers..

Make weapon effects have an on/off toggle for trail VFX. The End.
Last edited by dizz#2756 on Mar 25, 2022, 4:25:48 PM
So epic, we cannot ever have too many celestial themed mtxs haha. They're so good.

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