3.17.4 Deployment and Full Patch Notes

Spoiler "DX12 is boss in 3.18!"
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.
Looking for ggg to fix the bone barrier bug TwT
пока входил на сайт много сообщений исчезло)))) ну игрой вроде занимаются , удачи им.
lets see how good this is...
I notice a significant performance increase in busy area's when using vulkan.
Bad Seed
Patch ran again and encountering same crash on entry as this morning. Unsure why my initial feedback is deleted, screen goes black except for the poe cursor, then eventually get not responding notification. Game ran without issue after problem was resolved the first time, before more patching
Cant launch the game anymore, after switching to Directx 12.

in H/O, the screen is just black and minimap icons are like on LSD.

After force quit and relaunch its stuck on DX12, and the GGG opening animation plays on 10x speed infinitely in a loop until force close.

I'm guessing that the people who implemened DirectX 12 found just one system they like to use, and we all get shoved the beta experience ?

P.S. I will figure out how to unfix their fix by myself, since if I cannot do even that then they will lose customers who give up.
Still no fix for Captivated Interest, eh? And zero f*cks were given that day, and many days to come. Until some spoiled streamer points it out.
I'd rather have no Harvest and the hope it one day returns in glory than this trash.
Last edited by Infinal#1713 on Apr 21, 2022, 6:20:50 AM

-50% videocard load
Last edited by Thzuful#4233 on Apr 21, 2022, 6:58:37 AM
Big thanks to all the people with huge walls funding the game so I can be a degenerate in g1.

Many salutations o7

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