The Definitive Budget WardLoop Guide (17m DPS/250% Movespeed/Ailment Immune/25ex)

thanks for the help after 6 hours of tweaking i got, luckly there was i guy with i traded early with who really helped me out.

i just start to play with that build. Seems it works but sometimes, i commited suicide in maps.
I dont understand what could killed me like that...

It is my olroth flask?

One more thing, it's impossible for dat build to run eater and exarch right?

Can someone help me?
HephaistosGaia wrote:

i just start to play with that build. Seems it works but sometimes, i commited suicide in maps.
I dont understand what could killed me like that...

It is my olroth flask?

One more thing, it's impossible for dat build to run eater and exarch right?

Can someone help me?

I`m running exarch normally just dont take any debuff to players if read players gains run

i have the same feeling about die and if i start loop without olroth i just die, that might be a not 100% uptime
That's sad. the build seems really cool, but i commited suicide every maps now...
and i try to avoid bad modes
gokudin wrote:
There`s anything that i could upgrade without spending so much?

I would like to use this build to complete the challenges 38/40 is that a good idea?


tks guys and awesome build and guide!!

how do u guys deal with that skills sounds? its kinda clunk

That +1 mana gained on kill needs tob e updated ASAP...Joking.

Since you are omniscience, you can drop resistances on helm and try to craft strenght/dex/intelect. Use the eldritch chaos method (eater of worlds dominant + eldritch chaos orb will reroll your suffixes and you can get strenght dex, prolly an empty suffix.). Disclaimer : Check Craft of exile for what stats you can get on ward gear

On helm your enchant is also missing, either get 30% rf elemental damage, +1 proj for ice spear, or 40% freezing pulse damage...Since Ice spear +1 proj worth's like 15 ex I would suggest to go for freezing pulse damage as RF is also popular this league. Cheap upgrade brings a lot to the table.

Boots enchant are not that import but you might want to consider getting something there. Also the same applies to them, eldritch chaos method for dex, strg , intelect, because you are omniscience and don't need the resistances , as they will be capped by omni ( you will also get penetration for that bargain) Disclaimer : Check Craft of exile for what stats you can get on ward gear

Belt enchant with crit against unnerved mosnters by you would be nice also

Since you are using 2 heartbound loops you can consider going 2x divergent CWDT 20/20 for weapon, 19/20 for armour, and ditch the second heartbound loop for a rare ring with stats and something useful as prefix.

A more expensive upgrade would be getting a cluster jewel with "Fasting / % flask charges gained and 35% increased effect" . 2 of this medium 6 cluster jewels could let you put a 4th flask and still sustain them , which would bring you a bottled faith in the ecuation. (Ignore this, I saw you use fyregrass build with the 4 cluster setup and already have 4 flasks, but will leave this here for others to consider)

The belt is too much of a hasle to touch and probably a super expensive upgrade , but I would recomend trying to craft a stygian vise. My method was to just recombine stygian vises with baran influence, one with reduced flask and one with CDR until I got both of them and then just reroll lucky until 20/20 ( I wasn't lucky with alts, tried that). The stygian will get you a socket for more stats prolly a corrupted blood implicit and so on.

I do not get it why people use grand spectrums, because 3 grand spectrums brings 45% elemental damage for 3 jewel slots, while Clear mind brings you 60% while no mana is reserved, and since you use one aura with blessing your mana is not reserved. Also brings you 20%+ mana regen. Might wanna think about that and use the points/slots for something else.

I would also consider an upgrade in form of unweavering stance on armour and just alocate mind over matter.

Also you can go clear mind , switch some jewels around and incorporate a unnatural instinct ( doesn't bring much in terms of damage , tested it, I get like 300k more pob damage but some quality of life stuff).

If you switch to clear mind and drop spectrums you can consider forbiden flame / forbiden flesh. Either go inquisitor cuz it's cheap, go deadeye would be the best, or pathfinder and switch ascendancy to deadeye. Or just simply waste 6 ex on Raider ascendancy which brings frenzy charges, onslaught, phasing and so on .

So a lot to think about in terms of upgrades.

Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
Last edited by Vendetta#0327 on Jun 20, 2022, 1:48:51 AM
Vendetta wrote:
gokudin wrote:
There`s anything that i could upgrade without spending so much?

I would like to use this build to complete the challenges 38/40 is that a good idea?


tks guys and awesome build and guide!!

how do u guys deal with that skills sounds? its kinda clunk

That +1 mana gained on kill needs tob e updated ASAP...Joking.

Since you are omniscience, you can drop resistances on helm and try to craft strenght/dex/intelect. Use the eldritch chaos method (eater of worlds dominant + eldritch chaos orb will reroll your suffixes and you can get strenght dex, prolly an empty suffix.). Disclaimer : Check Craft of exile for what stats you can get on ward gear

On helm your enchant is also missing, either get 30% rf elemental damage, +1 proj for ice spear, or 40% freezing pulse damage...Since Ice spear +1 proj worth's like 15 ex I would suggest to go for freezing pulse damage as RF is also popular this league. Cheap upgrade brings a lot to the table.

Boots enchant are not that import but you might want to consider getting something there. Also the same applies to them, eldritch chaos method for dex, strg , intelect, because you are omniscience and don't need the resistances , as they will be capped by omni ( you will also get penetration for that bargain) Disclaimer : Check Craft of exile for what stats you can get on ward gear

Since you are using 2 heartbound loops you can consider going 2x divergent CWDT 20/20 for weapon, 19/20 for armour, and ditch the second heartbound loop for a rare ring with stats and something useful as prefix.

A more expensive upgrade would be getting a cluster jewel with "Fasting / % flask charges gained and 35% increased effect" . 2 of this medium 6 cluster jewels could let you put a 4th flask and still sustain them , which would bring you a bottled faith in the ecuation. (Ignore this, I saw you use fyregrass build with the 4 cluster setup and already have 4 flasks, but will leave this here for others to consider)

The belt is too much of a hasle to touch and probably a super expensive upgrade , but I would recomend trying to craft a stygian vise. My method was to just recombine stygian vises with baran influence, one with reduced flask and one with CDR until I got both of them and then just reroll lucky until 20/20 ( I wasn't lucky with alts, tried that). The stygian will get you a socket for more stats prolly a corrupted blood implicit and so on.

I do not get it why people use grand spectrums, because 3 grand spectrums brings 45% elemental damage for 3 jewel slots, while Clear mind brings you 60% while no mana is reserved, and since you use one aura with blessing your mana is not reserved. Also brings you 20%+ mana regen. Might wanna think about that and use the points/slots for something else.

I would also consider an upgrade in form of unweavering stance on armour and just alocate mind over matter.

Also you can go clear mind , switch some jewels around and incorporate a unnatural instinct ( doesn't bring much in terms of damage , tested it, I get like 300k more pob damage but some quality of life stuff).

If you switch to clear mind and drop spectrums you can consider forbiden flame / forbiden flesh. Either go inquisitor cuz it's cheap, go deadeye would be the best, or pathfinder and switch ascendancy to deadeye. Or just simply waste 6 ex on Raider ascendancy which brings frenzy charges, onslaught, phasing and so on .

So a lot to think about in terms of upgrades.

Man, you are a god hahaha thank you so much.

Already using 1 clear mind, but bring inquisitor/deadeye or even raider would be awesome.

Those gear was crafted by lucky with fossils now i`m trying new ones with 30% quality hoping for the best lul and i think i`ll go to helm enchant too.

HephaistosGaia wrote:
That's sad. the build seems really cool, but i commited suicide every maps now...
and i try to avoid bad modes

Give some more detail. Do you join map and start loop right away? Did you activate your flasks first?
Do you have 100% flask uptime?
What pantheons did you take?
Do you have enough mana recoup to keep up with 5 casts a second? This is for all of your skills even the CWDT ones.

If it's suicide, that's a gear/tree/you issue.
Last edited by chrischoi#5738 on Jun 19, 2022, 7:21:34 PM
Hey, thanks for the guide. It was very helpful to get started. For people looking for an upgrade but can't shell out for omni, I suggest leadership's price. It's an awesome combo of offense and defense and setting it up can be as easy inserting a careful planning jewel with the right dex. I suggest one with positive max fire res for RF sustain and +3 max lightning res for lightning mirages which are one of the deadliest things in the game imo. Divergent snipers mark is awesome for knockback. If things can't get near you, they often can't hurt you and it helps ensure you are hitting with ice spear's second form.

Also, I play on ps4 and do double beyond 40% deli farm which causes 0 FPS so I had to make some other modifications. A 21 ice spear and creeping frost with a +2 skin gives enough damage and Frostbolt causes lag, so I dedicated the staff links to support. One of the biggest problems is corpses causing lag to I added a detonate dead to remove them. I put phase run here because you can't self cast it reliably with 0 FPS. I added frostwall for some extra defense. I self cast blood rage for frenzy generation since I can't shatter corpses due to leaderships price. I'm amazed how well this build can survive even with 0 FPS.

jooooooosiejuice wrote:
Hey, thanks for the guide. It was very helpful to get started. For people looking for an upgrade but can't shell out for omni, I suggest leadership's price. It's an awesome combo of offense and defense and setting it up can be as easy inserting a careful planning jewel with the right dex. I suggest one with positive max fire res for RF sustain and +3 max lightning res for lightning mirages which are one of the deadliest things in the game imo. Divergent snipers mark is awesome for knockback. If things can't get near you, they often can't hurt you and it helps ensure you are hitting with ice spear's second form.

Also, I play on ps4 and do double beyond 40% deli farm which causes 0 FPS so I had to make some other modifications. A 21 ice spear and creeping frost with a +2 skin gives enough damage and Frostbolt causes lag, so I dedicated the staff links to support. One of the biggest problems is corpses causing lag to I added a detonate dead to remove them. I put phase run here because you can't self cast it reliably with 0 FPS. I added frostwall for some extra defense. I self cast blood rage for frenzy generation since I can't shatter corpses due to leaderships price. I'm amazed how well this build can survive even with 0 FPS.


Just so you know leadership's price amulet would not equal Pandemonius.

Scorch != 24% cold pen from Pandemonius, you lose blind, also you can get brittle ground from boots implicit if you really want brittle.

PAndemonious gives you cold pen against chilled enemies ( and a lot) , blind ( great defensive utility, you would otherwise need to waste +2 points to get blind on a cluster jewel prolly) , cold damage.

The other amulet brings you just some +% rez, which are already hard to cap with the staff in hand ( I am just saying it's hard not that we are not doing that already) , +% rez != to blind ( even if you have a lot of +% rez big hits will kill you anyway, due to the nature of the build).

I did consider divergent sniper mark, but 40% is not much ( if it would have been 100% it would have been like a shrine on you and yea broken for this build), the proj damage from the normal one might be better defensive, since bigger hits == more freezes.
Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
Last edited by Vendetta#0327 on Jun 20, 2022, 2:03:12 AM
U Guys already killed uber bosses with this build? how was the experience

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