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[3.23 Work in Progress] f1rstborn's Shockwave Totem Inquisitor | Sanctum God farmer. | WIP

facelessman122 wrote:
Ritual jewels, divergent shockwave and melding are like 10 ex now, not ideal at all. Pretty sh#&t

The price on ritual jewels has skyrocketed. Build popularity tends to do that, the whole supply/demand thing ya know? Divergent shockwave Totem can still be purchased for under 80C and melding is another late game focused upgrade.

Give it a try, you won't be dissappointed.
So my first 3 builds have not been able to really deal with any of the bosses. Did not realize they changed our dps mechanics on bosses.

Trying this out next. As mentioned those gems (flesh/flame) are insanely overpriced. how necessary are they to get this going? Cause at 9-10 exalts for both this just became a pro build or impossible for average players unless we get a lucky super rare drop that sells for tons.

38 exalts for ashes...They ruined this game for casuals...

I use to be able to kill all end game bosses on a 5-10 exalt budget, where are those builds 8)

Let me know.
Last edited by Draken1976#4310 on Jul 12, 2022, 1:52:18 PM
Draken1976 wrote:
So my first 3 builds have not been able to really deal with any of the bosses. Did not realize they changed our dps mechanics on bosses.

Trying this out next. As mentioned those gems (flesh/flame) are insanely overpriced. how necessary are they to get this going? Cause at 9-10 exalts for both this just became a pro build or impossible for average players unless we get a lucky super rare drop that sells for tons.

38 exalts for ashes...They ruined this game for casuals...

I use to be able to kill all end game bosses on a 5-10 exalt budget, where are those builds 8)

Let me know.

Without ashes you can reach about 27M (, if you drop the jewels , which you can do in that PoB, you lose about 5.5M dps.

I was able to do Uber Exarch, when I had about 20M dps, it was sketchy though, the minotaur & balls phase was not fun.

If you aren't interested in doing Uber's you are good after about 10M dps, and -that- version IS probably in the 5-10ex range.
b0redom wrote:
Draken1976 wrote:
So my first 3 builds have not been able to really deal with any of the bosses. Did not realize they changed our dps mechanics on bosses.

Trying this out next. As mentioned those gems (flesh/flame) are insanely overpriced. how necessary are they to get this going? Cause at 9-10 exalts for both this just became a pro build or impossible for average players unless we get a lucky super rare drop that sells for tons.

38 exalts for ashes...They ruined this game for casuals...

I use to be able to kill all end game bosses on a 5-10 exalt budget, where are those builds 8)

Let me know.

Without ashes you can reach about 27M (, if you drop the jewels , which you can do in that PoB, you lose about 5.5M dps.

I was able to do Uber Exarch, when I had about 20M dps, it was sketchy though, the minotaur & balls phase was not fun.

If you aren't interested in doing Uber's you are good after about 10M dps, and -that- version IS probably in the 5-10ex range.

Yea it wasn't the skill nerfs that made bosses sketchy on low budgets, it was the power creep on bosses. Keep in mind, this was on purpose. "Aspirational Content" was coined by Chris Wilson to give a reason for us to min-max builds.
Hey, how you feel with this build at ssf? I saw you have a lot of UNIQUEs but are they MUST BE for being viable for endgame?
I love totem playstyle but idk if its as good as i think it is :P
ilyily wrote:
Hey, how you feel with this build at ssf? I saw you have a lot of UNIQUEs but are they MUST BE for being viable for endgame?
I love totem playstyle but idk if its as good as i think it is :P

I believe Galesight is the only required unique. Playing without it will feel like a totally different build. Net up is astral projector which has a div card. Not needed at all, but you will cast totems substantially more often without it.

The other uniques aren't needed in the least.
Can you publish a guide for leveling ? Thank you.
Hrimsorrow update just made it into a banger of leveling starter item for the build.
Not an expert on the build, as I am just looking around for ideas. Agreed that hrimsorrow buff definitely looks nice. I would assume the brittle nerf mentioned in the manifesto will be a blow to the build though. Will make it harder to get your crit up.
FilthyMonkey wrote:
Not an expert on the build, as I am just looking around for ideas. Agreed that hrimsorrow buff definitely looks nice. I would assume the brittle nerf mentioned in the manifesto will be a blow to the build though. Will make it harder to get your crit up.

New version posted tonight. Still 100% crit. and yes Hrimsorrow makes starting this EZ.

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