Kirac's Vault Pass Build Feature - Kay's Poison Spiders Occultist

Really cool to see one of Kay's builds featured here. She has a very positive influence on the summoner community!
Jerle wrote:
pr13st wrote:
ad of the week
Support a free Hong Kong.

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with
sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.
-Galileo Galilei
Nice, this game needs more MTX content, this league has absolutely no need of fixes and everything works as intented in the testing period.
Like the build big ups to the one who made it.

MTX on the other hand, sick of you guys advertising MTX after MTX when you clearly don't know how to run a live service anymore. You don't respect players or their time anymore.

Why would any of your player base respect you at GGG when you clearly don't respect us players.

This league has made me and so many others realize how incompetent you are as a company. Feel free to read my in game chat logs. you'll see how much Distaste alot of Kiwis have of you.

When you pull finger, maybe then you'll get the support back. You guys created a Toxic community. Pat yourselves on the back.
Still better than az Ad on GhazzyTV.
Nothing short of shameless GGG. Seriously, every league you continue to make bonehead moves which cause people to do nothing but throw their hands up and ask "wtf?!" People have been asking for Build of the Week for YEARS to come back and you bring it back ONLY to market your terrible idea that is Kirac's Vault. Ya, congrats to Kay whoever that is for only being here because they wasted 30 dollars.
Last edited by Fart_Smucker#3238 on Jun 13, 2022, 4:28:09 PM
What armor set is that, asking for friend.
dope, might motivate me to do an arakali build
thats not build of the week, thats build of several years.wormblaster was build of the week, ignite lightning warp was build of the week. this is NOT build of the week, this is ad
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