3.18.1 Patch Notes Preview

Last edited by Noobwater#6677 on Jun 14, 2022, 4:44:59 PM
that legion sentinel nerf is hot garbage.
I know, you can't deal with every broken mod. However: deadeye ARCHNEMESIS debuffs lasting forever, at any range and applied by mobs even out of the dark in delve should not be a thing. Mobs that then seemingly disappear, possibly killed, while the debuff stays.

And oh my god, heralding minions thingies adjusted again? It's a step in the right direction.

At least make them drop loot or something.
Awesome fixes and additions. Thanks for adding the league stash to the Guild hideout!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Any way to get immune to Thorned Vines? I looked it up and there doesn't seem to be any kind of way to immune ourselves to this. It's one of the most annoying thing to me this league, it feels like in map i'm going to be vined 30-40% of the time. Please implement a vaal corruption of jewels or something to immune ourselves.

Thank you, keep up the great work!
maybe a post on what you're working on would be great because as it is right now i feel like many problems are straight up being ignored.

headhunter conversion mods breaking builds like impale and pure phys
multiple AN mods disabling builds or being just obnoxious
rare monsters in maps having too much health, more health than most map bosses.

etc etc
Very cool mirror Service: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3227915
The... the gem re-shuffling bug is fixed? Holy moly!

Next you'll be telling me auto gem-leveling from consoles is coming!
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
DireLink wrote:
Why nerf legion with sentinels .... :(

I think they disallowed sentinels to empower frozen legion monsters so they wouldn't be hard to release. At least that's how I see the change was. I'm pretty sure it can empower them once the timer ends.
how about the ice prison ? that one broken when juice map, stuck everywhere
Fixed a bug where Gem level-up buttons could sometimes re-shuffle when clicked.

Sometimes? SOMETIMES?!

Can we also have static order in party members list and party portrait list frame?
Problem: impostor syndrome
Solution: nerf everything
Result: depressing mess
Last edited by a_z0_9#4860 on Jun 14, 2022, 4:56:50 PM

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