[3.25] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder

EDMOSES wrote:
Pointless post i suppose but i have just found this build and wish i had found it at league start. Seriously like to switch over to it but i have invested too much into my present build.

I just switched over and this build isn't super expensive. You can get the 29M dps build for roughly 40-50D. Full build is around 90ish which is super doable.
At what level would you choose to respec into this over other builds?
battousaii wrote:
At what level would you choose to respec into this over other builds?

Poisonous Concoction is a great leveling skill, so it's usually used from the start. I would say though, around Red Maps i.e. level 90 or so is a solid place to jump in. If you have the currency for all the big items and can construct the build immediately, that gives you enough skill points to make it work at endgame. If not you can use the pre-Cluster Jewels setup and start around 80.

I've taken the build all the way from league start the past 3 leagues, and don't usually die during the campaign. Gearing up while leveling is simple, because you don't need a weapon, just a decent life flask and shield. It only gets more expensive when you want to push it to take on endgame content.
Last edited by t0lkien#7048 on Jan 24, 2023, 4:29:43 AM
Question - what are you actually farming with this build? I'm at the 31M+ mark of dps, 21k armour and evasion and 4.2k life.

With or without 40% delirium, this build cannot efficiently do harbinger and legion. It has taken an unreal amount of time to even do a basic 100+ quant t16 map. Unless I am playing this completely wrong, I'm a bit confused why my 12M Venom Gyre melts a 40% delirium map but a 31M dps can't?

Last edited by qwecq#0813 on Jan 24, 2023, 3:52:12 PM
qwecq wrote:
Question - what are you actually farming with this build? I'm at the 31M+ mark of dps, 21k armour and evasion and 4.2k life.

With or without 40% delirium, this build cannot efficiently do harbinger and legion. It has taken an unreal amount of time to even do a basic 100+ quant t16 map. Unless I am playing this completely wrong, I'm a bit confused why my 12M Venom Gyre melts a 40% delirium map but a 31M dps can't?


I'm farming everything except Ubers (because I don't enjoy them though I've done Uber Sirus and Uber Shaper), almost with impunity. Harbingers are uniquely suited to the build - strong AoE + Plague Bearer. I stand and spam, and they die. Legion you have to hustle a bit to hit every mob if they're spread out a lot, even with the extra time node, but killing them is no problem. They melt like everything else.

Elder, Shaper, Sirus, Uber Elder, and Maven are all cake. 80-100+ quant T16 maps (usually narrow, linear maps like Toxic Sewer, Grotto etc.) and Delve for a change of pace. I'm focusing on Harbingers, Legion, and Delve in my Atlas... everything literally melts at speed. I don't usually do any Delirium because I hate the constant slow effects, but I've done a couple of 100's without too much trouble. It's not mirror tier Tornado Shot fast, but it's not slow.

You can see examples of my gameplay in maps and with bosses in the videos in the main post. It's actually even better than that now, because my build is more min/maxed than when I did the videos. I really enjoy this point of the league. I just steadily make currency, and the build is at its most fun to play.

I'm not sure what's happening for you. Others playing the build whom I've talked to ingame have a similar experience to me. I guess make certain Plague Bearer is going, that you are hitting it and Focus every time they're up (it's free DPS), that you have Withering Step on your left click, and that flasks are going? Also that you're not trying to run Witchfire Brew without Whispers of Doom on your amulet. I'd have to see a video of one of your maps to see if there's something missing. Or hit me up ingame maybe, and we can figure it out.
Last edited by t0lkien#7048 on Jan 24, 2023, 7:05:49 PM
Okay to OP a few questions.
1 : i like it a lot but why doesn't ninja builds pick it up? - no disrespect.
2 : i'm 70 years old and have no hope with POB so what would i gain/loose from my build to yours?
3 : I have 72% phys damage reduction and 80% chance to evade with 67% chaos res.
Spell suppression 91%, suppressed spell 53%.
Block and spell block insignificant.
Must point out i have only 8ex and am hopeless at making currency.
Sorry for the headache and thanks for any response.
EDMOSES wrote:
Okay to OP a few questions.
1 : i like it a lot but why doesn't ninja builds pick it up? - no disrespect.

None taken! PoE.Ninja uses Delve depth as a metric to list builds (which is bizarre and all but useless IMO, but there you go). Also, I don't think there are many playing this version of the build, which I actually like. It means our itemization remains reasonable.

2 : i'm 70 years old and have no hope with POB so what would i gain/loose from my build to yours?

I'm not sure how to answer this. If your build is working for you, I'd say stick with it. This build is fun if you like the playstyle, and more than powerful enough for all content the game offers. Still, I'd consider it a mid-range build. It's not so powerful that it trivializes content, and it's commensurately (in)expensive compared to builds that do.

3 : I have 72% phys damage reduction and 80% chance to evade with 67% chaos res.
Spell suppression 91%, suppressed spell 53%.
Block and spell block insignificant.
Must point out i have only 8ex and am hopeless at making currency.
Sorry for the headache and thanks for any response.

8ex won't be enough to get a working version of this build now. I guess you could switch over to the pre-Cluster Jewel version and just farm your way up, but it would be behind the curve at this point in the league. Don't let that stop you if you really want to do it, just be aware that it's going to take some work to get to the endgame version.
Last edited by t0lkien#7048 on Jan 25, 2023, 7:07:59 AM
t0lkien wrote:
qwecq wrote:
Question - what are you actually farming with this build? I'm at the 31M+ mark of dps, 21k armour and evasion and 4.2k life.

With or without 40% delirium, this build cannot efficiently do harbinger and legion. It has taken an unreal amount of time to even do a basic 100+ quant t16 map. Unless I am playing this completely wrong, I'm a bit confused why my 12M Venom Gyre melts a 40% delirium map but a 31M dps can't?


I'm farming everything except Ubers (because I don't enjoy them though I've done Uber Sirus and Uber Shaper), almost with impunity. Harbingers are uniquely suited to the build - strong AoE + Plague Bearer. I stand and spam, and they die. Legion you have to hustle a bit to hit every mob if they're spread out a lot, even with the extra time node, but killing them is no problem. They melt like everything else.

Elder, Shaper, Sirus, Uber Elder, and Maven are all cake. 80-100+ quant T16 maps (usually narrow, linear maps like Toxic Sewer, Grotto etc.) and Delve for a change of pace. I'm focusing on Harbingers, Legion, and Delve in my Atlas... everything literally melts at speed. I don't usually do any Delirium because I hate the constant slow effects, but I've done a couple of 100's without too much trouble. It's not mirror tier Tornado Shot fast, but it's not slow.

You can see examples of my gameplay in maps and with bosses in the videos in the main post. It's actually even better than that now, because my build is more min/maxed than when I did the videos. I really enjoy this point of the league. I just steadily make currency, and the build is at its most fun to play.

I'm not sure what's happening for you. Others playing the build whom I've talked to ingame have a similar experience to me. I guess make certain Plague Bearer is going, that you are hitting it and Focus every time they're up (it's free DPS), that you have Withering Step on your left click, and that flasks are going? Also that you're not trying to run Witchfire Brew without Whispers of Doom on your amulet. I'd have to see a video of one of your maps to see if there's something missing. Or hit me up ingame maybe, and we can figure it out.

Redid some map testing and Legion+Harby+Essence is solid but this build cannot do any sort of delirium. For whatever reason, everything is significantly harder to the point that I do not believe PoB that at 40% delirium I still do 20M+ dps. It feels like I do 2M at the most.

Thanks for the reply, regarding the POB and age comment i should have said i cannot use POB so i have no idea what my build damage is.
If my build was doing say 10 million DPS and yours does way higher then i would strive to swap to your build.
Also a little concerned that i don't use Herald of Agony with associated rings, is that a potential game changer for me?
Would have to change a lot but i think i could fit it in if really required.
Thanks again.
Last edited by EDMOSES#3434 on Jan 25, 2023, 3:13:42 PM
qwecq wrote:
Redid some map testing and Legion+Harby+Essence is solid but this build cannot do any sort of delirium. For whatever reason, everything is significantly harder to the point that I do not believe PoB that at 40% delirium I still do 20M+ dps. It feels like I do 2M at the most.

I just tried a 100%, and a 40% Delirium with 88 quant + scarabs etc. The 100% was tough. I died twice (thankyou Kosis), and it was a slow struggle the rest of the way. I don't think I could bring myself to use the build to farm it. The 40% seemed okay to me. This is at capped Poison DPS (41 million with Cull), and pretty much peak performance of the build.

I don't have much to compare it to as I don't do Delirium usually. But apart from reminding myself how much I don't enjoy Delirium farming, the result is I would probably agree with you that the build isn't especially suited to it. There are some things that could be done to increase recovery a bit which might make it feel better, but I doubt it would make enough difference to be worthwhile.

Video of the 40% Delirium run.
Last edited by t0lkien#7048 on Jan 25, 2023, 7:11:18 PM

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