3.18.1c Patch Notes Preview

Thanks for the patch :) ... had to run client as admin.
Last edited by Jverse#5438 on Jun 29, 2022, 11:47:43 PM
My performances were already at an all time low, and this patch made it worse, including making loadings 5 times longer.
Maker of ZeeL's Amplifier.
They always do this.."Fix" performance by massacring it.. wtf
Any way to disable this patch? Taking me 10s to load into maps now.
after playing the game for 1 hour and found this patch terrible
Last edited by Binbsls123#6781 on Jun 30, 2022, 4:48:47 AM
Infinal wrote:
ebrl wrote:
The radius of Ground Effects from Map modifiers are no longer affected by increases and reductions to Map modifier effect.

Design by Reddit is a slippery slope.

So is design by streamers.

Well done.

Design by necessity, however.
Fixes rarely happens without complaints. That magical all-seeing design vision is great but for details within that frame we need complaints.

It's like having a severe extra difficulty layer added to mobs in Expedition and Harvest and Delve and mechanics in Blight and then allowing those mobs to double dip into the Archnemesis pool of effects. Complaints are bound to happen and some culling gets done. A little bit of added fun.
Void Fletcher still in the 1c junk pile, thanks GGG.
Quintessence wrote:
Void Fletcher still in the 1c junk pile, thanks GGG.


There are currently 15 different charges in the game, it makes no sense to leave out just one type of charge because its coming from a 1c unique.

I got baited by a redditor help :|
Awesome, good stuff <3
Improved the texture system's memory usage and performance.

REALLY? It only got worse, return as it was before.
Playing on DX12 (most stable) loadings longer, more freezing. GJ
Last edited by KoTLIIpeguHrePa#6752 on Jun 30, 2022, 1:33:53 AM

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