Chris Wilson talks to Josh Strife Hayes about Path of Exile

Am i the only one that loves the acts but hates mapping? Its just flowing in the acts, you don't have to portal out, you can keep going and get all those different bosses, fights, voice lines, and it doesn't feel like you're clearing an enclosed space.

The repetitions of maps kills me, i usually have 100 happiness clearing the acts, then i get to maps and it drops slowly until i quit the league because i'm not having fun anymore.

I have no idea what is the solution for this. I'm having trouble to find pleasure in "Put map in, clear it, portal out, repeat" and whenever i look at the comments it seems im the only one.
going to be fun to see what they will make of PoE in the future! :D
Chris is such a hero in gaming industry, holy smokes we are so lucky to have him <3
Raymonator wrote:
Am i the only one that loves the acts but hates mapping? Its just flowing in the acts, you don't have to portal out, you can keep going and get all those different bosses, fights, voice lines, and it doesn't feel like you're clearing an enclosed space.

The repetitions of maps kills me, i usually have 100 happiness clearing the acts, then i get to maps and it drops slowly until i quit the league because i'm not having fun anymore.

I have no idea what is the solution for this. I'm having trouble to find pleasure in "Put map in, clear it, portal out, repeat" and whenever i look at the comments it seems im the only one.

Play another game, because no one likes acts, you're probably among 0.00001% of the player base. Would highly suggest another arpg.
I don't know if I'm playing the game or being played by the game.
farming die die die
Raymonator wrote:
Am i the only one that loves the acts but hates mapping? Its just flowing in the acts, you don't have to portal out, you can keep going and get all those different bosses, fights, voice lines, and it doesn't feel like you're clearing an enclosed space.

The repetitions of maps kills me, i usually have 100 happiness clearing the acts, then i get to maps and it drops slowly until i quit the league because i'm not having fun anymore.

I have no idea what is the solution for this. I'm having trouble to find pleasure in "Put map in, clear it, portal out, repeat" and whenever i look at the comments it seems im the only one.

Yes. You are.

My advice would be to treat maps as a gateway to more fun content. The reason people love maps so much is you get to experience all that PoE has to offer with stronger builds. AND you get better drops. The only reason I can see someone enjoying the acts more than maps is that you stop at white maps and never get to experience real mapping.
Also, maps are a way to build up currency to better your character. Gotta tell you man, if you're farming BA for currency you're playing this game seriously wrong.
I bet you've also never killed some of the end game bosses. Another reason to do maps. Not to mention the unique maps are different than anything in the campaign.

Most of all everyone enjoys progression of your character. To see them get stronger and for you to be able to take on harder content that you couldn't do before. I think you have this opinion but haven't really taken the time to think about what you posted. Because if you did, you'd see you're complaining about nothing. You haven't really played Path of exile until you've played the true end game with red maps / uber bosses.

I mean if you're happy with a tabula rasa being your chase item, I suppose have fun farming acts.
Last edited by cj1098#2604 on Jul 20, 2022, 4:54:26 AM
Raymonator wrote:
Am i the only one that loves the acts but hates mapping?

I doubt it, I think we've enough players that whatever your view someone will agree with you.

I do look forward to the acts, levelling a character, the variety, and faster progress. The campaign has big flaws, no denying that, and plenty of them.

I don't exactly hate mapping. Grinding City Square or wherever over and over because it's the most optimal pinjata for drops can get old. I run maps because they're the jumping off point for fun league content and bosses and necessary for the first, second, third round of gear upgrades after the campaign. Once I've gotten far enough or tire of a character, I'll roll a new one and enjoy levelling up. Progress is more fun than repetition for me, and progress only gets slower.
Awesome interview. They are both treasures to the gaming community!
I guess I will be another one saying - am I the only one who: loves tower defences? Chris mentioned my favourite - Blight. So someone complaines it is bad for them and they will remove it?

Actually I "loved" acts, but they are very stale now. And I don't enjoy leagues like sentinel league, because it just makes the acts even more stale = no difference in gameplay...
Last edited by lefali#0015 on Jul 21, 2022, 12:36:28 AM
lefali wrote:
I guess I will be another one saying - am I the only one who: loves tower defences? Chris mentioned my favourite - Blight. So someone complaines it is bad for them and they will remove it?

Actually I "loved" acts, but they are very stale now. And I don't enjoy leagues like sentinel league, because it just makes the acts even more stale = no difference in gameplay...

sadly blight and tower after an mods become less useful and good... sadly
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