Enabling the Trade Site for Console Players

That is nice indeed. It'll be good if by PoE 2 cross platform is fully supported and tested. I didn't think that was even on the agenda. The direct whisper seems great all the way around.
The trade system sucks.

A really awsome update is to add a Broker system in the game

No more squinting at rares and sifting thru 500 pages of useless doodoo.
good change
Having played the console version in the past, but still mainly playing on the PC, I would much rather have the Trade Market on PC. I absolutely hate not being able to trade because I'm in Delve or the Lab or in a boss fight or or or. The PC Trade system really sucks.
- here's my sig
tsari wrote:
Zomphere wrote:
Absolutely terrible. It going to be so AIDS trying to switch between browser and game etc trying to trade for an item that sold 20 minutes ago. Not to mention how bad the trade bots are. The only thing console really had over pc was trade and now thats gone, ggg. This may be the nail in the coffin for console.

WHAT? Trade on console for anything that wasn't uniques was awful. Even with regex search, finding the right item was a trial of patience and going through a LOT of pages.

I was considering swapping back to PC this league, this change means I can safely stay a console player. Unless I want to play a left click skill, but that's a different problem.

So you would rather tab out, load ms edge, pull up poe trade, search, find item, copy, tab, paste, pm (hope you arent either ignoring said player or they are ignoring you), add to group, tele to their hideout, open trade and hope you dont get scammed? You better always be on full alert physically trading with people. Its such a bad system..
Last edited by volgaris#1012 on Aug 16, 2022, 11:03:07 PM
What to say about it??

>>>"(Both of these systems have an element of friction, but this is intentional. We actively want to avoid trade being too fast and easy. For more information, please read our Trade Manifesto. While it may feel obvious to suggest that we combine the two systems so that it's both instant to find items and instant to receive them, we strongly feel this is not the right approach for the long-term health of the game.

We have decided to enable the Trade Site for Path of Exile on console. This does require a web browser to visit, and while the player doesn't necessarily have a computer nearby, they do have access to the console's built-in browser or their mobile devices.)"<<<
RIP console trading.

Was actually hoping PC got an easier trading market like console, not the other way around.

GGG still saying that this horrible trading experience and system is intentional boggles my mind. It seriously needs a rework / improvement, especially with how much they keep making the economy worse, requiring more and more extra steps to do the same thing you used to do. It's absurd that they think it has to be this way, like they don't see how worse it's getting over the years.
I Denizen I wrote:

I find your generic "trade being easier is bad." really fricking short sighted , you're supposed to be industry leading developers in the genre of ARPG's, start acting like it.

DarkSpectro Br wrote:
What to say about it??

>>>"(Both of these systems have an element of friction, but this is intentional. We actively want to avoid trade being too fast and easy. For more information, please read our Trade Manifesto. While it may feel obvious to suggest that we combine the two systems so that it's both instant to find items and instant to receive them, we strongly feel this is not the right approach for the long-term health of the game.

We have decided to enable the Trade Site for Path of Exile on console. This does require a web browser to visit, and while the player doesn't necessarily have a computer nearby, they do have access to the console's built-in browser or their mobile devices.)"<<<

I truly have never seen any company state this publicly and go out of their way to make it happen. I think they somehow think it will keep people playing longer. After reading all this I feel completely dejected. I was really excited about the new league and now im not sure i want to play. If they really have to go this route, they should keep both systems in the game for a few leagues to allow people the time to learn how to search for items on poe trade. Blindsiding people and forcing them to do this almost immediately will have all around negative consequences.

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