What We're Working On

As of now due to this tunnel-vision the game is going off a cliff, try to listen to the actual players not just your own small echo chamber, not everyone is a fan of bdsm GGG...

Try to apply your vision to PoE2 and stop ruining fun in PoE.

Now when I log in I feel sad so I won't log in anymore until these issues are fixed.
saoulhigh0 wrote:
So very very, disappointing

Similar to most poe players, this was MY game, the #1, most incredible game to ever exist.

Recent changes have removed any sense or progression or achievement. There's so much hours one can spend using the same skill to kill packs of mobs. That sense or progression is needed to play past the 10h mark every league.

Changes in the last year were not enjoyed, but I love the game and adapted as much as possible to the new way players are expected to play.

Unfortunately, the changes this past week are far beyond expectations and enjoyment. It now officially feels like a chore.

I truly wish nothing, nothing, more than the game being enjoyable again through a tangible sense of control of progress. But it's not it.

Farewell, exiles :( It was fun while it lasted. Thank you GGG for the great years.

I don't want to give up but I' feel like this too. I have more hours in this game than Skyrim, "My game" before that. And I've only been playing since the 3.x era. When they said archnemesis was all rares in 3.18, I knew I'd probably be done but gave them the benefit of the doubt. Tried it. Said ok SURELY they'll revert this for 3.19... They didn't. I was worried about minion life nerfs but the idea of lowering the power of minions without gear in exchange for having a lot more gear to power up sounded awesome. There seems like a lot of damage to be gained at the very top end but they just fall over. Even AG's on experienced players dropping like flies. I tried it anyway. Might have to take another 3 months off. Definitely don't buy anything if you disagree with the design teams decisions right now.
Bruh, fix loot or all ppl drop this sh**
"The second reason is that we removed a massive historic bonus to item quantity and/or rarity that applied to some league-specific monsters. We replaced it with a moderate (2-3x) increase to item quantity, to offset the fact that they often have more life than regular monsters and some cannot drop maps."

What? I can't believe you just did it, even without mentioning it on the patch notes.

For thoose who don't know what that line means, i will refer to Snap OW's (he is one of the best pro poe players which has almost 10 years into the game) video:


He clearly explains why the change on quant/rar. bonus is absolutely biggest change GGG has ever made in his 10 years of poe history.

Endgame mapping and juicing is now dead ! Heist chests is now more valuable than mega juiced (100% deli + beyond + sextant, yes even with 6 man group) t16 maps, thanks GGG !

I hope you quickly realize what the hell you've done and undo this big bullshit change asap.
Last edited by ArchEvinuS#5368 on Aug 22, 2022, 4:37:48 PM
I've been on GGG's side on almost every change up til this league with a couple notable exceptions. This was not it. Every part of this reply by GGG is incorrect and meaningless because there is NO loot. The game feels so bad right now. I will not play this game anymore until loot is fixed and I have thousands of hours in this game.

I supported all the nerfs before this league and genuinely had plenty of fun even in those leagues, maybe even more fun than prior to them because it changed the game a lot. I loved the state of poe last league more than potentially at any other point since I started. You ruined the game so quickly I have whiplash. It's like the team is suddenly just pulling every lever and flipping every switch and its all gone completely haywire.

Good luck ironing this one out, I guess I'll check in again next league.
Last edited by DireDrop#7028 on Aug 22, 2022, 3:52:13 PM
*Trust is a currency - Chris LITERALLY A MONTH AGO*
Well sadly no currency drops right now.
This post makes me sad i dont like it.
Blah blah blah, wall of text, HUGE MTX lootbox banner at bottom.
You are not players anymore for them, you are wallets. Simple as that.
jerot wrote:
hyyyben wrote:
rolandojuantamad wrote:
its baffling how this amount of "oversight" made it to live launch. how disconnected are you from your playerbase, honestly?

They are by far the most hands on / paying attention to the playerbase, kinda firm. You should ashamed for writing something that disrespectful.
If you got critiques, then write them down...
They cant use your insult for anything.

Not even close that is a lie..YOU should be ashamed for lying so hard to please people who dont care how many worthless badges you have....The ONLY time they care is when they lose half there money and players like they did after ritual.
POE Steam Population chart dropped like 33% in 3 days.
What else to say...

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