What We're Working On

"less clicks in harvest" hahahahaha what an awful excuse that is?! Since when do you care about that.

And even that, WHY THE HELL, should you do Harvest when there is a chance of getting NOTHING at all? Tell me. And there was testing done by player, not by you obviously. Turns out, even players grinding juiced T16 don't get anywhere near the lifeforce so make it decently usable.

The whole thread is just "yea we just want to give you some answers but in reality this is what we want it to be, we wont change anything.

HaRdMoDe Is CoMiNg GuYs
Last edited by c0refreAk#2874 on Aug 22, 2022, 8:22:20 AM
I'm tired of those lies every single league, I'm out
I am going against the stream of negativity and will say that I actually like the changes that GGG are making. My problem with the 3.19 launch was the absurd essence monsters. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the conversion mods on rares. It makes rares really fun to kill. Fewer but harder rares are really good for the game, how archnemesis act in certain league is the thing that annoys me a bit (essence mostly).
that was quite a good bit of text to say "we are ok with the game as it is, stop complaining"
I have extra beta keys and I'm not giving them out

PoE1 > PoE2
reading this doesn't make me want to play more. sad panda
bad league mechanic, no loot, bad crafting, working as intended. did you tell us to get our mf characters ready because you'd need an mf character to even dream of seeing loot? when we complained about clicking too much we just wanted you to stack breach splinters, not get rid of all loot lmao

i got my first 100 last league and almost got two, i had a blast and went 40/40 on the challenges. absolutely loved sentinel. i'm not sure how you deviated so hard from that, but it's honestly pretty impressive.
Looks like they are consciously making the game worse every league so they don't have to take it seriously cuz already got enough money from us and don't want to work on it anymore.
Kinda sad for the developers to have to obey and do this changes probably KOWNING the results. #HugPoEDevelopers
Last edited by troloose#1945 on Aug 22, 2022, 8:27:19 AM
You can keep deleting my post.

I stand my ground, GGG you're direspectful to your whole community.

You shadow nerf things, without any communication. You're dilute "nerfs" over multiple announcement, you hide things, for us, to discover things live, and backstab us.

It can't imagine be someone who spent X days preparing something, to finally go live in your game, and getting shat on, by your hidden nerfs.

Last league, it was Blight for exemple. How many players invested their whole starter on that mechanics? To get rekt into oblivion for 3 weeks before a fix?

How many players tried MFing/party and got rekt this time?

You're just a disgrace. And stop with your "needlessly negative" while deleting my post, that's factual.
Last edited by Ae_Evo#5363 on Aug 22, 2022, 8:32:13 AM
bad loot , bad mechanics , bad GGG , bad path of exile
you just f*** the game and we love this game

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