What We're Working On

Shoupa_da_Sherpa wrote:
EDIT to the players, if you're really falling back on d4, i pray for you. let's not think that that developer is some bastion of gaming.

Respectfully, they are. D2 is the game POE is based off of, and Blizzard has made plenty of amazing games.
START FIXING THIS GAME FOR 99% OF PEOPLE, PLEASE. NOT FOR 1% OF ALL PLAYERS (even 1% of players complaint about loot etc).

If you want me to play more in your game - you don't need to cut exalts/divine drop, but you have to make it interesting by interesting bosses, mechanics etc. Cutting good item drop you are pushing me to leave this game.

There are rewardable games we can play too, where GAMERS ACTIONS are felt and rewardable. Armourer's scrap is not I want to see in even T5+ maps.

The game is great, but we are doing the same stuff all the time to trying to improve our builds and having nothing. I can't improve my 5ex build using 50 Armourer's scrap after running 10+ maps.

Look at the steam achievements - how much people killed Maven (1.1%), even Shaper (5.6%), etc?

And make an overall result.
Last edited by Vezorx#7812 on Aug 22, 2022, 8:05:58 AM
Fuck this game.
I'm incredibly disappointed in how GGG has handled this. To me, an arpg is about the power fantasy of destroying screens of monsters. Since 3.15 they have been going further and further away. I used to be able to use a skill scaled build to be a starter and farm currency for a second character and both zoomed. It was amazing.

Last night I watched my friend playing and it took him multiple minutes to kill a rare in a T3. The loot has been getting worse and worse. Harvest was completely gutted from like 12+ rerolls per harvest to less than 1. The game just isn't fun anymore.

I went to exilecon even though it was on the other side of the world because I loved this game so much. This league I quit within 24 hours of league start even though I took extra days off to play. I know I should just stop playing on launch days and getting hyped because the game is just going a different direction now, but I'm just really disappointed.
I don't understand something, are we playing League of Legends or Path of Exile? You guys wanna rename this game to Path of Slot Machine? Is all fine to me I will just quit forever or never buy a pack again. When are we gonna start working to make this game fun, and just stop "fixing" problems that does not exist? You have fixed nothing! You just made the game worse, and you have turned gold in to poop literally, there's a good transmutation for ya. Why do you want to alienate all your players? Why do you want to turn this game in to diablo? Diablo is one of the worst games ever made, yes it's the base for a game like Path of Exile, but please we are not living in the early 2000. It's the 21 century, when are you gonna stop living in the past? Drops are so bad on so many levels I don't even wanna start. If I wore you guys I loud just return the game as it was in 3.18, and just stop making changes, start working on how to make the game fun to play. We don't want to grind our asses off because you thought that's what we want. No we don't want that, no one does. We just want to have fun, not be frustrated every single second spend in game. What you'v done with Harvest is a spit in the face of every single person that brings food to the table of GGG team!
Last edited by InFeRnaLCoLD#2575 on Aug 22, 2022, 8:12:32 AM
This is ridiculous. Roll back the global loot nerf.

lasix1010 wrote:
I cannot comprehend how it is possible for a company of this size to repeatedly release such an untested mess.

And Chris response makes me just sad.

This is the TLDR of my short essay. Why would you at GGG decide to destroy Path of Exile when you've been hyping up a second release for years now? You really think we are going to flock to PoE 2 when we know we are beta testing the mods for it right now on our bogus Archnem Rares?? Can you just leave Archnem out of original PoE so we know which game to play and which version to avoid at any and all cost? If this is really a showcase of you testing mechanics for PoE 2, count me OUT.

Also, like many said - I am writing here today because I love your game so much and it's painful to watch you guys pushing your company so far down underwater that it's 1 second away from drowning to death. I love Path of Exile, I just thought so much more of you as people, especially from what I had heard from friends who worked on original development with you guys 10 years ago (people who nearly moved from the States to New Zealand... worked with your company on that level... denied job offers because it was too far of a move... but loved PoE with every bit of their heart and believed you did, too). They told me so much about the amount of passion and joy you had then for your game and company. Some of their experiences working with GGG in its infancy are why I started my own studio. They used to gush about designing PoE and balancing it with you, some regretted not moving to New Z to join the team when you offered. I wish they had, so they could've kept things under control! They've already quit in disgust (all but one, my constantly disappointed partner) because they don't know you guys anymore. I want to know and see what they saw in you; it's because of them I even play. What happened to you guys? I don't appreciate being told I'm being given a new product and then being used a free alpha1 tester instead, bait n switch.
Veritania: When was the last time you saw the sun, Exile? The true sun.

Me, if I actually want to succeed at all in any given PoE League:
Last edited by LizzyInATizzy#6295 on Aug 22, 2022, 8:14:49 AM
Make Path of Exile fun again.

3.13 was the best patch.
Senju_Hyoketsu wrote:
People need to stop whining.

whining hopefully stops people at GGG.
if you nerf 10 gems out of 30, you automatically buff the other 20!
fadekill wrote:
Veqtor wrote:
Can we please have Like/Dislike (+/-) buttons under every comment in comment section and a sorting based on it?
The constructive critics are lost in the forrest of disappointment.

This would be nice on official forum posts too, like this "What we're working on". Put a Like/Dislike icon at the end of every planned changes, and see if its wanted. Not worth developing something thats opposed by the majority of the current players, unless you wanna make a new playerbase, that has Mr. Wilson preferences.

POE was doing fine 2-3 leages ago, before the hardmode changes the game currently headed to.

Some suggestions for changes:


- When mixing multiple mods pick the highest value from each mod type (dmg, hp, etc.), don't stack them, plus a small multiplyer based on map tier.

- Give each monster a fix amount of life essence based on its type/tier (essenceBaseAmount x Tier) plus a fix multiplier (1.1-2.6x or something) based on map tier.

- Make items drop on maps based on relevance more.
Act 1 items and currency on T16 monsters are not really needed.
Increase drop of relevant craft materials with map tier by a bit, and decrease the chance of getting not-relevant ones (transmute, armor scrap, scrolls) nobody wants to pick up.
Same for items, make specific basetypes and uniqes drop on specific map tiers.

(You could check relevance based on what people get from expedition NPC-s, rituals)

Reddit shows that a rating based system is extremly toxic. It just leads to a circle jerk. Every opinion that is outside the norm of the people who arrive first (the outrage mob for example) gets downvoted immediately and probably lost for most people who come after because most of them will only read the top comments.

Also, it's an absolute minority posting on these forums, not a majority...

Most people who are interested in the changes probably interacts with this site, at least by reading the change notes.
Its fine if the majority doesn't want to comment here, but its nice if players can log in and press a +/- next to the upcomming changes to tell GGG how popular it is. That can help the development.
There will always be negativity and toxicity, but GGG can tell how many people read the post and how many of them thought it was a bad idea. (viewed by logged in users count / dislikes). They can also compare it with the overall playercount, to see if its relevant to make changes.
After this they only need to promote this option somehow - on leage launch for example - to get people to use it.
Poeple who care can log in at least once every 3 month (or GGG could make this an in-game changelog too, so they don't have to log in here) to help improving the game.

Dislike on every comment is indeed not neccessary, Like is enough there to find the positive ones.

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