What We're Working On

Feedback....I do not like this. stop saying you listen.
Sounds good to me so far. Please do not be too hasty in making changes to Archnemesis and take some time to investigate.

During Sentinel league, everyone complained and cried about the difficulty of rare monsters and I had to learn about it a day later on reddit. A bit more time has passed and you already hard-nerfed all Archnemesis monsters. I did not even get to get a good image of the changes before there was already a patch. I blasted through the campaign within less than 6 hours on a Spark character and honestly I was doing really good. YES, there were some big Garganthuan speed monkeys with infinite life and way too much movement speed, but guess what? I just ran to the next zone. Those felt terrifying and funny at the same time. It spiced up the gameplay.

Is it that much of a hard pill for people to swallow that there might be monsters that they cannot kill? Rares are the highest tier of regular mobs, they should stand out and feel special. They should be strong and their loot should be special. In that regard, I fully agree with the philosophy and goal behind Archnemesis. Who the hell wants the old rare monster modifiers back? Not me.

We're back at it again. I barely make it through the campaign and my first white maps and reddit is already littered with a ton of whining and complaining. Are the average players really that much faster or does reddit already quit the game at level 30 or 40? I read a ton of hysterical screeching, but no concrete reasoning is given as to why Archnemesis should be removed from the game. There's a guy who posts a clip of himself getting shredded by a fully juiced Metamorph in a Tier 8 map. He is on 2,000 HP, reserves 400 of it for Vitality+Arrogance and is running Determination on probably a total of 1000 base armour, which should then bring him to what? 1500 Armour? Are you stupid? And you want to use that as evidence against Archnemesis? Seriously? Other people in this thread who complain are on their third character, two of them abandoned at Lv 70 and 40, third character on Lv. 30. How do you have the necessary insight to comment on any of the game's issues when you aren't even in early red maps? How can you be sure that reward don't get better? How can you be sure that yellow mobs are overtuned, when all of your builds so far have been a complete and utter disaster? Be honest with yourself for a change.

Okay, so I've so I've run into my share of powerful rares and some of them DO hit very hard and are very tanky. The tanky part is no issue because that only means that they take longer to kill than magic or white monsters. Furthermore, on their own they have posed no issue whatsoever. When they do overlap with other league mechanics however they CAN get a little out of control yes. Ever fought an essence monster with more than 3 or 4 essences? Those tend to be extremely brutal. I would not mind this at all if the reward would be appropriate. Those deadly encounters would be justified if I fought for the highest tier of essences, I would not mind. However, in my case I was only fighting for some Wailing and Screaming Essences at most. It seems to be true that risk and reward aren't quite in a reasonable state.

Harvest - can't comment on it but it does seem like life force yields are not worth it in early maps. Not sure how it looks like in red maps with proper Atlas passive picking.

The booty chests in the Lake realm also seemed to be a bit underwhelming thus far. But I haven't run enough to confidently state that.

Lastly, it does seem like a sort of poverty league which isn't inherently bad. I still have enough currency to roll my gear and buy upgrades. Not more than enough, I'd say barely enough. But it is manageable. For Atlas progression one has to exploit every mechanic there is, which also isn't too bad. You just have to know what to do. Kirac missions, Kirac's shop, Horizon Orbs, 3 for 1 vendor recipes, and if that doesn't help then just run a couple of your highest tier maps. It'll work out. Other people have already made it work and I am in the process of doing so myself. I'll keep playing. I am currently only at T10 maps and I do not feel that I have garnered enough experience to confidently criticize the game. Hence why I am shocked by all the overwhelming feedback online. People need to be truthful and honest with themselves first. If you've locked into a shit build, then it's not the fault of the league first and foremost. I've been there and I do understand that it is tempting to make that correlation.
Last edited by xxshooter999xx#0393 on Aug 22, 2022, 8:48:35 AM
Pretty sure this is my first and only post on this forum. I feel compelled to post because this league is just bad and the direction that this game is heading in will eventually kill it. The combinations of decisions here are just baffling.

1. Essentially destroying the economy - There no real way to farm divines except for lucky drops and no way to mimic their use for items. No one is going to all of the sudden just start slamming exalts on stuff, bc its just not worth it to ruin an item.

2. Eliminating the majority of loot - Im not sure what the idea is here. The way it feels is if hardmode was already implemented. I went through the entire campaign and didnt even find a single scouring orb, and only two chaos orbs. That was with running Blood Aqueducts. It just doesnt feel good. Ill repeat what someone else said in another post I saw, RARES ARE NOT LOOT. No one is equipping stuff they find off the ground, everything that is worth equipping is crafted.

3. Harvest destroyed - At this point you should just remove it. The juice doesnt drop in any meaningful amount and the actual crafts have been gutted. What are the useful crafts here? Theres essentially no reason to run this mechanic anymore.

I would really like for this game to be fun. I just want to jump on as I can and try to do a few maps with friends. I dont want a second job playing this game. Its already hard enough to get new people to play with the overwhelming skill tree and atlas tree, skill gem system, external game wiki, trade site, POE LAB, Awakened POE Trade, TFT, Craft of Exile, Exilence Next. Please stop punishing the players that are already putting up with this complex system.
dreigan wrote:
I see so many comment saying literary Fucck dam cazual .... em son when were gone u next exile . I sai u going in gaem leave vit onli strimer em i vas vrong i see alot just rage klut alredi and ist 3 dei in legue and u sai em ist not intended no bug ? if no bug then ist dam some test shit if u vana hard mode do it separate im there for fun kilink piksels not torture miself vit dam rare hareder that late game boss

WTF is that language? LMAO!
Beta member since: 0.9.8f (April 23rd 2012)
Please fix the ultra wide-screen issues!!
Except Empy whos group is known for fully juicing, dropping raw HH and magebloods, squires, had to stop juicing maps as it was just a 100% loss of profit. Game is absolutely nuked at this point.
Very sad about this post. Not because of what it literally says (loot nerf) but because of what it means.

If this is the vision then I don't see myself attracted to PoE anymore.
Did i read that right? you're not gonna yield a higher lifeforce drop for people that runs higher maps? you must be kidding...
Lauisifer wrote:
Please fix the ultra wide-screen issues!!

They are aware of this and implemented a hard limit to prevent wide resolutions from seeing more than they should.

Putzy wrote:
How to fix this mess:

-Delete archnemesis and bring back the old magic and rare mob mods.
Then add an optional mechanic (like the delerium mirror) for people that want the extra challenge to randomly spawn in maps (and add some stuff for it on the atlas skill tree, not that anyone will bother but still)

-You reduced the amount of items dropped but the quality of the items that do drop is still garbage.
Make it so the higher the item level of an item the lower the odds become of it rolling lower tier mods this will generally make items you find as you progress through the campain and end game better all the way into t16 maps.
Also remove some of the useless mods that are bad regardless of their tier (like thorns)

-Lake of Kalandra.
Increase the overall rewards you get out of the chests to make it more in line with other league mechanics rewards.
Make it so that the jewellery offer in the mirror has 6 mods with at least 1 tier 1-2 mods in there. We've seen these random garbage jewellery things before (talismans, breach rings, etc) and they were never good enough to be used in anyone's build. Unless this is buffed the mirrored jewellery from kalandra will suffer the same fate.

With the juice that monsters drop we can get about 5-10% of the crafts that we were previously offered. I'll be harsh on this one, whoever did the harvest change at GGG had a good idea in mind but the numbers don't add up.
This could've been avoid by running X amount of harvests of last league and then taking the average crafts you would get turned into the new juice system for balance. This wasn't done for balance i'd say harvest needs to drop about 10 times more juice to even come close to what we had before the changes.

-Exalted and divine changes.
This one is easy just change exalts to divines on everything.
Cards that gave exalts now give divines and vice versa.
A 6 linked item gives you an exalt instead of a divine.
T3 leo in the syndivate will divine an item now.
Exalted shards are removed and replaced with divine shards which are dropped by harbingers.

This is what the upcoming patch should contain as it makes the game less click intensive and keeps archnemesis in the game (to please GGG) while the remaining changes should please the playerbase and the economy on trade league.
This seems good I would love these changes to the game, why wont GGG listen to feedback about archnemesis mobs etc.

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