3.19.0c Patch Notes and Update on Community Feedback

Please stop destroying the game. Thanks.
Remove Harvest finally. Holy **** just remove this Mechanic pls. Comparison to the First Harvest ever this we have currently is a pure Joke. WHY YOU STILL KEEP THIS GARBAGE YOU CALL HARVEST. You destroyed every single fun aspect of it. You milked it to death and gave us a empty soulless body.

To be honest Guys just remove it pls. This Mechanic is a Full Joke!
For me this is beta testing for Hard mode which is expected in 3.20
If that is the case, then it what sort of crazy world did you think that would be ok to use softcore trade, (which is what 95% of the player base is in), as the testing ground for such an insidious game mode?
As someone who has spend thousands of dollars between MTX, DIV Card which I haven't been able to get any updates on and it's been almost a year, supporter packs, I can firmly say that if they don't revert some of these changes I will probably not be playing this game anymore or looking towards investing into POE 2. It is sad to say but these changes are too drastic and have come too short in a period of time. Some of them weren't even indicated in the manifesto, interview, or the patch notes and that is flat out unacceptable. You can't change the games complete loot system or pacing in one patch and not communicate it, it's just bad business. I would expect this type of behavior from Blizzard, not from GGG.

Also, how did Archnem become such a mess again? I knew it was going to replace the rare modifier pool which was fine, then Headhunter was nerfed- then fixed and buffed (a nice buff at that) but with the removal of beyond (proper beyond) for juicing along with all these other changes and flat out no loot, this pacing is clear preparation for POE 2 and I don't like it. When not even just a majority of the community, but a plethora of streamers and specifically a group of people who have been doing 6 man hyper-optimized farming at the beginning of every league are giving you guys feedback, it's like it's all just being swept under the rug and sadly the current player numbers don't lie. I thought we fixed the Archnem issues in sentinel, now there are more issues with it' it's all just mind boggling.

I also took almost a week off for work for this and if this is how it's going to be, I will definitely put my time and money into something that is better managed/communicated and overall in a better state. I'm just being real here.
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I can only hope the changes coming are MONUMENTOUS, because as it stands, AN is ruining the game. It has been since you force fed this idea to us that it will be a good thing to replace all rare mods with "clearer more defined modifiers" but now I need to know an entire dictionary of phrases? Why was it so bad to have clearly typed out modifiers on the mob itself that just said what it did? Now I have no clue, and just have to assume what each implied meaning of these phrases is?

Revert the implimentation of AN and bring back rares. We need a fix to bring back Headhunter like yesterday.

Make them spawn with maximum of 2 AN mods, but the rare would also have its normal modifiers.

Make those mods never allow similar catagory of buff, so if it has a damage modifier, then 2nd mod would be a defensive one, etc.

Make most rares NOT spawn with AN and would have their normal modifiers

make 10% of the rares spawn with Archnemesis, similar to any previous map mechanic chance to spawn in the map. Or inversely, make them more common in the map 10% of the time, similar to map masters, and do not spawn them at all otherwise.

Give them back their rewards tables. Make them rewarding to kill.

--------- --------- --------- Bandit --------- --------- ---------
nerf to the ground, then give back %10 of the nerfs. you are not fooling anyone anymore.
Bad. Honestly patch without talking about it in the development manifest, patch half behind but in the end it's not better. Very disappointed with GGG and this patch that could have been very good. stop making the base content something even harder than it already is by wanting to challenge the big player. make the end game content more difficult but not the mapping where you get destroyed by a random rare mob while you have good defense layers. I don't recommend this game because it's absolutely inaccessible when you're not a veteran player

like what @Destroptic said:

Guys, if you do anything look at how your community is talking about mechanics and the feel of the game. Is it really worth it to double down on some of the things such as archnemesis when the playerbase has said over and over that the mechanic wasn't good when it was just a league mechanic and now it is everywhere in the game. The fact that getting an exalt is no longer an exciting thing is massively dissapointing and feels terrible. The fact that you cannot divine virtually any unique items and this can make getting that last bit of stat or ele res or something nigh impossible in some situations. The fact that you cannot acquire the premium currency in hardly any way aside from random drops and one unfarmable divination card. The fact that going from the campaign where you can smash the bosses then getting wrecked by a 3 mod archnemeis rare with 10x the damage and health of Kitava. All of these things seem so obvious from the player standpoint but the devs feel very detached from these issues. I love this game despite my current negative stance and I feel that in the past the dev team has made great changes and done well in communicating with the community. But right now it just feels in the last few leagues that has not been the case and as a player who really loves the depth of this game it feels heartbreaking to watch the game fall this far. I am hoping with all my might that this league can be saved and that the game can maintain the standards it set in the past. I don't even have an ARPG to fall back on so if this goes I guess I'm done with the genre. Good luck to the devs and I hope you do great work. I know that you are capable.
im just here to see the disaster
They made a good game by accident and now Chris's "vision" killed it.

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