Improvements to Item Drops

ShaggydogGaming wrote:
Caledus wrote:
You guys have deservedly taken alot of flack over this launch. But you all also deserve alot of props for consistently hearing the feedback and getting fixes out much faster then many companies so thank you.

Hard disagree, they overly nerf, see our complaints, do not actually hear what we are complaining about, fix tiny little things that don't actually cover the root problem and after massively nerfing loot they give us a tiny percent back because remind that even a 50% loot loss which is THE KINDEST estimate by those doing math while a 90%+ loot loss according to Empy Magic Find group aka the people who would have the most loot out of anyone, cannot remotely be treated by a 25% buff. This is the strategy to massively nerf loot in AN UNDOCUMENTED NERF and then admit to it but give us a tiny shred of it back and expecting us to shut up about it.

They are literally wanting you to do what you are doing, praise them for "listening to feedback" shut up about any complaints and just take the raw deal. No, they don't get to play that game after doing a massive undocumented nerf while preaching transparency. Revert the changes, admit you screwed up, and don't take us for idiots.

Couldn't agree more. This is insulting out intelligence, and barely scratches the problem.
How do these changes compare to the nerfs? Is it still less than it was, because that was already bad for finding items.
So no archnemesis removal, huh? I think you're really stubborn, the problem started when you think archnemesis was great, just remove it, stop thinking that a game from +20 years ago is the base for all the games and stop thinking that this game it can become something like Dark Souls.

Just remove archnemesis or put some locks at the way the monsters get the mods, so we don't fight the ultra uber uber version of a skeleton that resists all elemental damage and chaos damage and physical damage and on top can regenerate and takes 10 minutes to kill and is better to skip and let the monster alone, just hear the playerbase is telling you that archnemesis is trash, just accept the fact and move in the right direction because as always you give one step forward 10 steps back, at this point you are 9 steps back and my experience with the game and GGG is telling me that you'll disappoint again going 10 more steps back.

Monster creep is not better than power creep.

P.S. Just rollback everything to the place it was good, stop hearing the people that says people get to maps too fast or the zoomy builds are bad, even with the nerfs tyty still got to maps in record time.
The North Remembers
But what do these numbers mean? Let us know how drop rates compare to last league. These numbers alone mean virtually nothing.
We value the player's feelings, but do not include the angry part... Angry comments are all deleted
Thank you:)
Hope it puts PoE on a better level for players
Harvest is still absolutely worthless with this measly "buff"

If the buffs this week don't feel good, I'm likely out, when I had intended to go for 40/40. Regret buying a supporter pack this league and won't be buying anymore anytime soon.
Last edited by Zaffrex#5570 on Aug 23, 2022, 11:26:11 PM
archem must be turned on by node on tree, extremely rewarding, extremely strong.
regular rares must be regular rares
thanks for listening to community's feedback, not sure how much it recovers, will give it a try after patches

I won't blindly judge your loot fixes not enough before testing, but please don't give a false hope tomorrow..

This is a great step in the right direction. Thanks for listening to the community. Just bring back keep rerolls or buff the drops from Eater and Exarchs and I will be back to chilling. Don't overwork yourselves guys.

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