Reintroducing Kirac's Vault

It's completely funny kekw
It works as intended.
extremely bad timing, roll back the loot drop changes this weekend and do the vault pass next weekend, that would be the most sensible aproach.
Maybe if the game was fun
are you even serious?
Your apology is appreciated.

However, you did not fix the problems yet. Asking for money while the game is still garbage, is literally being tone deaf.
"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die. " ~ Hunter S Thompson ~
I hope everyone who says the game is great spends their last dollar on this.
I can see 3 build neft in 3.20 - RF - CoC ice spear - LS
Bad timing...
I can FLY!
sword looks rly cool! hope its just skin for ANY weap...
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