This guy knows what he is talking about,
Chris, how can you be so deaf and blind
no more of my cash, EVER!
Posted bySteveVonSills#5598on Aug 26, 2022, 6:06:10 PM
" We play the game too... " AHahahahHhAhahAhAhAhaahAHhAAH
I won't believe u.
Mb u just running Acts, then there why u improving act monster or act "expierience", but nothing more than act's. U don't even try to play with this "awesome" AN mods. U don't even try to find out what chance of this "Divine explosions" mods to be find on map (it's 0.000001%, mp lower). In the fact u still dreaming about Diablo 2, but, to be honest, even if this game in our hearts, Diablo 2 hopelessly outdated. Somehow u make an incredible content, and then, cuz of ur outdated "vision", u just ruin awesome progress that SO MANY of us RLY LOVE. This is very depressing...
If u rly played in ur own game - proof it.
We judge by what we see, by the results of your work. And judging by what we see, no one will believe that you played beyond the acts. And that's the maximum...
Posted byKiddosczen#7211on Aug 26, 2022, 6:12:46 PM
Thanks Chris Vision for destroying the game and free me from this addiction!
Last edited by Fhrek#4437 on Aug 26, 2022, 6:13:19 PM
Posted byFhrek#4437on Aug 26, 2022, 6:13:05 PM
Dear GGG, every league you do a lot of hard work improving the game and everyone is certainly grateful to you for that. With each update, a large number of changes are introduced affecting the balance and economy, sometimes the community likes it, sometimes not. The latest changes have caused a great storm of emotions and negativity among the players. In my opinion, sometimes there are so many changes that neither the players nor the developers can qualitatively assess how these changes affect the game as a whole. I think if there are fewer changes in the next updates to the leagues that affect the fundamental gameplay and affect the gaming experience of the majority of the players, then your development team will be able to better focus on community feedback and make better decisions without repeating the negative experience of this league. Hope for a better future on the path of exile.
Posted byYevgeny20000#0973on Aug 26, 2022, 6:13:36 PM
Ppl complain, is their nature. Just like an exile to wake up over and over in the beach...
Posted bySrPopo#1524on Aug 26, 2022, 6:14:38 PM
Chris, I have so much respect for you. It takes a really big person to admit that they have made a mistake, and explain what happened.
Can you make it so that my zdps character can kill essence mods though?
Posted bystfugetup#5954on Aug 26, 2022, 6:15:49 PM
feike wrote:
From what i read in the post, i agree with many things: yeah, i think few will disagree that beyond needed the nerf, but really, the real problem on the game atm is archnemesis...
Feels like you are completely changing the whole balance of the game around it, i can only guess you have a personal feel for the mechanic, because its a thing the majority of the players hated from literally day 1 and its a mystery why you insist so much on it(or why you dont budge on their damage output). Just in reducing the yellow population to account for AN mods, you are literally forcing an entire rebalance of the loot table to account for a feature that almost everyone hates...
Rare monsters being relevant is one thing, but its pretty much fact AN is overtuned, adressing defenses is okay but their damage is the biggest issue. Like, forget regular map bosses: a yellow monster with a bad combo of mods is literally harder than APEX bosses and thats not even an exageration. I would even say in a sense, AN mods are even harder than uber shaper/maven because how you need every form of defense in the 85%-ish to handle all the diferent combos that can come at you
Map affixes and expedition mods can also brick a character, but those are avoidable, players running unid maps accept the possibility of a map turning to have no leech or no regen. AN mods are not avoidable in the same way, and some combos feel just as punitive as map mods that counters your build
Also, while i agree with many of the reasons on the apology, i have to say: your design phylosophy on AN drops is completely missguided... As many already told, focusing too much the bulk of the loot on a handful of affixes makes mapping in general extremely inconsistent. At this point, feels the drop rates in general were forced to crap numbers to account for the chance a yellow monster to be innocence-touched and suddenly you get massive profit
Thats not okay, the reverse is much better: Make yellow monsters less of a chore to face and if you REALLY want that bad to make the game hard, buff the base monsters instead: Really, it would be prefferable to play a game that is consistently hard than the current state where you are plowing everything then out of nowhere a random yellow nukes you. If you want a hard game, make the whole thing harder, dont just rely on a chance encounter that spikes the diff out of nowhere, and ditto for the loot: Focus on making the whole game more consistent rather than just focusing on improving the lootshower of a monster that "might" have the lucrative affix(and thats not even getting on the point that the lucrative affixes dont even intersect with the rip-ish ones)
dude beynd is op as it is and gives no revardsit nedd's a n erf what it is
Posted bymedis13#4950on Aug 26, 2022, 6:16:32 PM
there is no loot there is no game
Posted bymedis13#4950on Aug 26, 2022, 6:19:21 PM
Hatchett222 wrote:
I'm genuinely afraid to tell you what I think right now for fear of getting permabanned
alot of people feel the same way! sadly
Posted byErkhan1#6334on Aug 26, 2022, 6:20:13 PM
i remember when there were white knights defending anything Chris Wilson did or said now its the complete opposite ..... this is what happens when you loose touch with your player base
IGN : Detrium
Posted byKindred1#3951on Aug 26, 2022, 6:30:24 PM