Tool-assisted Pantheon Mod Farming


and Currency

no one wants fucking scraps, flasks, ilvl bases, etc

You need to understand the economy and how this effects players.


So I can't really blame the fact that they are desperate enough to use tools such as this. You are driving your players into the corner.
Ok thanks for fixing a cheat, now onto fixing the game?

If players have to cheat to make a profit, doesn't that tell you something?

Chasing loot goblins is not what POE should be, come on GGG fix this mess. Make the smaller Archnemisis monsters drop more/better loot, or fix loot in general. (Not more armor bases and not more blacksmith stones/ armour scraps.)

Running a breach and getting like no splinters in a juiced t16 map isn't right, fix loot!

WE DON'T WANT TO CHASE LOOT GOBLINS! If I wanted to chase loot goblins, I would play Diablo 3!

Were all getting fed up repeating ourselves GGG:

#Headhunter is ruined!?

#Beyond is rubbish now!?

#Good loot from 1 rare mob every 200 maps!? LOOT GOBLIN


#Let us be rewarded from juiced maps!?

If this software has been around for years and AN has only become exploitable a week ago, what was it used for?

Lol. I like how you claimed the problem has been solved, almost effortlessly. True, the AN portion might have been addressed, but what about beasts? Or harvest, or another other mechanic that is exploitable? Are you really gonna leave them be?

Truth is people who bulk sell beasts on discord servers are mostly heavy users of similar illegal software. By simply smurfing and a big old guild stash, these people can easily dodge any ban wave towards them. Cus their main account was never technically involved in any illegal activity. Some people I know from Sentinel who could sell hundreds of imprint beasts PER DAY even had a supporter badge from 5 or 6 years ago.

It's a rather sensitive topic here or on reddit. You'll never see an actual user come out and talk about how profitable the exploit is. But you know what? I found quite some juicy claims in the Chinese community. Some people have made over 100 div in just the first week. By simply spamming T1 maps with almost 0 investment, these people can generate mirror worthy raw currency drops in just a few hours, all with your so-called countermeasures being implemented.

You could just admit your incompetence in dealing with exploits. Many game companies have the same issue and it's known to be almost impossible to make any game exploit-free. It's nothing to be ashamed of. I don't understand why you gotta LIE to us as if this problem had been solved.

Chris, it's not just disappointment anymore, now I feel desperate. 
I think people don't really see the real issue here, let's skip the obvious (an illegal third-party program to exploit a "bug").

Make the currency loot a gamble just with one monster mod is not fun, is patetic (zero game strategy), that's not a mechanic to take it seriously, and must be eliminated.

Steamers desperately trying so hard to call people back to play just because the state of the game (loot, craft and gameplay), asking players to conform should be considered a sin.

This league must be rebalanced and relaunch, and please, delete archnemesis (is not fun because we don't build them), just don't mess with the game, its too random, rares mobs with more life than a endgame boss? or Uber boss? with zero loot? with no mechanics, just simple and pure damage, movement speed and tankiness. Make fun of the depth concept of maps, try to clear the map, soft slap the boss with no effort and its dead, go out, encounters a rare archnemesis mob and holy cow, sometimes is just one hit and down (sometimes 2) or its just immortal (zero gameplay coherence).

And guys I love the game, but not this, this is not what people want, this is not a job, its a game, hard at some point but its a game, don't make the game a hard piece of work, we feel nearly zero progression, and that is about 80% of the pleasure and dopamine that generates.
People, often deceived by an illusive good, desire their own ruin.
Je trouve tout à fait normal de bloquer les exploits. C'est inadmissible que certains joueurs détournent le jeu. Il y en a déjà bien trop qui achètent des currency sur des sites annexes... Avoir changé la monnaie de référence a fortement changé la donne. Je n'avais pas beaucoup d'exa mais un bon stock de divine. C'est donc la très bonne affaire.

Merci GGG de vos efforts pour écouter les joueurs et appliquer les bonnes corrections.
Please fix minions. They feel bad to play.
Like ofc ppl are going to start doing shit like this becuse the game is trash atm, the only way to farm now is that way or heist legion. so remove your shitty little archnemesis crap and bring back our beloved rares we had before this fking trash archnemesis..
Question why people are hunting loot goblins and ignoring other content. Why do you think that is?
Why do you think i bee-line it for the chests when i do a Vaal Chamber in Delve? Its cuz the mobs dont drop anything.
Kulze wrote:
unlucky_child wrote:
Lewd25 wrote:
Bring back Removed Harvest Crafts PLS!!!

Oh please dont, i dont want to see godly items flooded on trade

Why not? Are you afraid that players might enjoy the content the want to?
That the game gets too easy?
That you won't make profit personally anymore?

Well, then here's why those thoughts are nonsensical:

The first can be put on there being no aspirational content in the game hence, this is GGGs fault though. They linked literally every single mechanic to the core progression which is supposed to be finished by literally every player with a bit of dedication, the 'Maven-road'.
It's important for the mentality of a player to have the possibility to go through such a step after all, why play when you don't see a way to even get to the outcome of the main story provided?
Hence GGG failed to attach systems in a way to let you branch out to the side.... or go beyond Maven afterwards as a way to push.

This also addresses the 'too easy' part.

If you think you're not profiting personally anymore... then that's simply a nonsensical though, more loot on the market means more options to craft it which means a wider variety of builds made and hence the demand for items being fairly constant compared to now.

All in all... why are you fearing more loot?

Harvest crafting is not looting lol
24.1.2018 [quote="Dro28"]wheres my fragment tab?[/quote]

(I thought that was a joke)

25.1.2018: GGG- Introducing the Fragment Stash Tab!
Thanks for noticing and addressing part of the issue. Hopeful for good changes in the coming week :)
You just wasted 3 seconds reading this.

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