3.19.0f Patch Notes

Flameweaver: No longer has +10% to maximum Fire Resistance, and now has 50% reduced effect of Scorch (previously 80%).
Frostweaver: No longer has +10% to maximum Cold Resistance, and now has 50% reduced effect of Cold Ailments (previously 80%).
Stormweaver: No longer has +10% to maximum Lightning Resistance, and now has 50% reduced effect of Lightning Ailments (previously 80%).

Flame Strider: Now has 50% reduced effect of Scorch (previously 80%).
Frost Strider: Now has 50% reduced effect of Cold Ailments (previously 80%).
Storm Strider: Now has 50% reduced effect of Lightning Ailments (previously 80%)

Arent these just becoming more and more the same?
You are only talking about the drop, but the most important problem is the crafting nerf and until they return what they deleted, the players will not return to the game. Think about it.
I'm not playing, but I'm still looking forward to it.
This looks amazing guys! Thank you
Great Job GGG
Madroxmultiply wrote:
In a way all the offensive mods have been nerfed because you can kill the rare mobs faster. Faster kill=less damage taken.

huh? that would work, if the AN mods wouldn't be terrible designed as they are... spawnning annoying abilities, when they are off screen... luckily, you can hear storming strider spawning inside of you, but heralds? You literarly can't see them, you can't hear them... and if you play any build, that needs to be at least a few secs on one place... its just garbage design... Not talking about huge packs of magic monsters spawning of screen 10x more of this... same with magma barrier etc.

This isn't about skill or anything... it's just horrible design, that makes your playing more annoying... with that, most of the people are playing more and more meta builds, because of harder and more annoying content, which is even more unfun with some nonmeta build
You still fix a wrong point ggg. Def nerf never be enough unless archnem mob can be one shotted by level 1 no sup skill gem. Uncounterable or unreactable insta dead archnem still exist and it's not fun.
Last edited by punyavee#4255 on Aug 28, 2022, 11:23:52 PM
Yall just spewing hate. This is the patch they wanted to get out Friday but couldn't. It was unreasonable for anyone to expect that they'd also have a bunch of changes out simultaneously.

For the record, I'm not saying they'll fix the major things people are complaining about, but nobody should have expected a Monday morning patch that fixed everything.

Looking forward to the AN nerfs.
What about the Harvest unique boss? it doesn't drop anything lol .
blight maps from kirac mission crash a lot too, especially when it's breaching. And bring back the crafts from Harvest, also no sight of Oshabi so far

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