An Overview of Upcoming Changes

You guys are always solid and always have been and i have no doubt that you will do your best in this situation. Thank you for the awesome game you have given to all of us. To the community that forgets all the amazing work this team does - you should be ashamed.
One simple Chi, thats all I ever asked for!
also playing in Standart atm is pointless =/ PepeHands
IGN @SexyMilf
Last edited by ProGameZ#7389 on Sep 1, 2022, 5:04:26 PM
loardpcm wrote:
So what's the vision on items like this:

Yolo annul and hope to hit a prefix?

And i haven't seen ONE sacred crystallised lifeforce.

Also where do those life force costs come from? 5000 life force for a weapon enchant?

And divining items was just removed from the game.

I know I know no one gives a crap about SSF but jesus ...

I am striking F very hard for you, sir
IGN @SexyMilf
Just give us 1st release harvest and watch 20%+ player base increase..
loardpcm wrote:

And i haven't seen ONE sacred crystallised lifeforce.

Also where do those life force costs come from? 5000 life force for a weapon enchant?

And divining items was just removed from the game.

I know I know no one gives a crap about SSF but jesus ...

Oshabi can drop them from what I have read. So, get a T4 plant, have that mob spawn and hope it drops the oshabi item. And they removed the tree buff to always have it drop from a T4 mob. Good luck.

So, if that is the case, that’s a whole lot of RNG for a single attempt roll. I can see it now…. Roll and get a T6.
Last edited by JoeUtopia#8394 on Sep 1, 2022, 5:40:33 PM
Ardelis93 wrote:
Just give us 1st release harvest and watch 20%+ player base increase..

You do realize this is SSF and items there literally have no affect on you? But i guess there are only two extremes...

JoeUtopia wrote:

Oshabi can drop them from what I have read. So, get a T4 plant, have that mob spawn and hope it drops the oshabi item. And they removed the tree buff to always have it drop from a T4 mob. Good luck.

So, if that is the case, that’s a whole lot of RNG for a single attempt roll. I can see it now…. Roll and get a T6.

I've seen 2 T4 plants so far. No luck :(
Last edited by loardpcm#1572 on Sep 1, 2022, 5:43:24 PM
it seems some people had very little faith and patience for GGG

we love your work thank you.
I will comeback to once AN mods are nerfed with offense and defense. First round of defense nerfs imo are just flat out not enough.

Not only do we need to stack more and more and more defenses now it feels like we need more than one type of damage.

And no not some extra damage but at least like 60% of one and 40% of another just due to AN defenses.
You have my blessing to dial back the dopamine machine.
I hope the junkies won't dissuade you, it's better for the game, and better for people in the long run.
Consider this perspective for a moment. We play the game for a while. We like it, in fact we really enjoy it. We buy a starter pack to continue future development and then the game we enjoy changes into something similar but really different. In faith I keep playing, adapting to try to enjoy it but at heart I'm really frustrated.
For us non-hard core players that cant play 4 hours a day, please give us back the game we love, that we looked forward to playing after working all day. Why change a good thing.
Im leveling another a new character now. Lvl 28 and have not had a single unique drop yet. Ive done lake maps over and over and nothing good drops. It just seems like a waste of time.

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