Following up on Recent Feedback

Thank you!

Please keep Harvest in your discussions. We just want a way to go from "great" to "amazing" gear that will not require 10h of gameplay for a 50/50 attempt, on top of the already existing, multiple, RNG steps needed to even get there

Plus the Harvest costs do limit those usage. Maybe reforge keep pre/suf costs 1 crystalized + 5k of the others?
Respectfully disagree with going from 3.18 harvest to the abomination that is currently.
welp, this was the worst league I've ever played and you guys don't care. In fact, you seem prideful in a bad sense instead of willing to listen and it's pretty sad.
Next league should be called Betrayal 2.0 with Jonathan as the main boss players must defeat to get their game back. This whale has been harpooned to death until further notice. I won, /vg/ and stalker schizos lost. Zaccie had to delete 90k discord posts to save his job. Never forget.
Thank you!
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
and ?
You're wrong on this one. Harvest needs fixed. It has very little power and is almost useless. Majority of players will no longer interact with the mechanic beyond selling the new currency.

Bring back the crafts. You do not know what you are talking about. It is 100% feasible to leave those crafts in. You allowed ridiculousness like recombonators but you slowly remove all options for deterministic crafting. Fossils are boarder-line useless in most cases and harvest is basically a glorified chaos orb. I don't want to chaos craft my items...
Fix Oblivion Fire Trap not displaying elemental proliferation effects. They work as intended, but the effects won't show.

As to league mechanics being unrewarding in the Lake, I fully agree. I would have really loved to see the Lake being some kind of Synthesis 2.0. In some ways, it really is, but I wanted more randomness. Synthesis map modifiers are awesome and I wanted to see more of those in the game and tailored to whatever content they are related to. Call them Kalandra modifiers, add 1-2 to each reflection just to juice things up and call it a day.

The tier 2+ stones aren't very rewarding given their rarity. In fact, their difficulty x reward tradeoff feels so wrong that running them at higher difficulties (more so in SSF with low-end gear) is no more than a waste of time. Legion, Metamorph, Ambush (boxes), Beyond and Harbinger (the tier 3 one) feel extremely unrewarding.

As for Harvest, yeah, in its current state, it's just a glorified chaos orb. I'd rather have them removed if you at GGG want to keep Harvest in its current state. I agree that in 3.13 Harvest was just too good to keep in the game, but with no reasonable other options for getting decent gear yourself without having to buy them from other people or be at RNG's mercy (be it by essence spamming or identifying items on the ground), Harvest was an awesome tool that catered toward both the 0.1% and the average, casual player.

The same thing goes for Recombinators. It allowed SSF and casual players alike to create gear at a risk. It gave rare items on the ground a purpose - they could be used as recomb fodder to create something worth using. Or maybe some meme items, because they're fun regardless if you're into that kind of thing. I know some friends who have spent lots of currency getting the perfect meme item (be it a 7x 20 item or a 6 crafted mod item).

Harvest, in its current state, feels just like a shadow of its former self.

Add this to the weird balance choices GGG makes and we're at this weird lull where playing a GGG-approved skill (currently EA, Helix, RF, Explosive Trap and LC? Seismic still decent btw) feels like a must until you can dump 20+ divines into something. Caustic Arrow and many other unpopular skills being left in the dust even after a 6 month window to rework/update older skills. Sucks, huh?

Oh, speaking of currency, Exalteds feel too rare, but that might just be my "bad" RNG.

As for Archnemesis, I'm completely fine with them except for reward conversions. It's just that some reward conversions (the [pantheon]-touched ones) should be at top priority compared to other rewards. I find it pleasing to get rare item loot bombs from time to time, but chances are I'm not going to find anything of use.
Last edited by FlammDumbFox#3792 on Sep 1, 2022, 11:22:55 PM
so you're just gonna leave harvest shafted, instead of adding back the crafts that actually matter, but making them expensive? lmfao what a joke
just delete this harvest already, it does not perform any function other than 2% to other mechanics
problem with Harvest changes is also combined / exploded into more issues by making divine orbs replace them...

so if you left exalts as the means for bench crafting, and tweaked divines or such to spread the value aorund i think a balance could of been made.

Problem is all crafting is now 400% gated by the divine orbs which are rough to get / manage.

I like the idea of the change of freeing up Exalts for slamming a bit...

Could you maybe do some4thing like

Harvest crafts the more important ones need Exalts as well.

That would return exalts values a bit, leave the harvest grind, and spread the economy off of divines only having value.

So we can get deterministic crafting of harvest, but it's at the expense of both exalts and harvest material.

Leave divines where they are for everything else.

Matches the thought of using eldrich orbs...

And should balance divines a bit which will help bring down build enabling uniques costs.

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