Lake of Kalandra Supporter Pack Concept Art
Would buy the dog if theres loot to be picked up
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You guys, better not create posts like this. 3d in a row, and still no posts about current state of game, possible fixes or just communicate with gamers. Shame on you
Last edited by grigory888#4554 on Sep 6, 2022, 4:29:24 AM
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where are the promised changes. for how long are you guys stalling out the kalandra changes?? dude what is going on, im so dissapointed to ready every day a new post around supporter packs.
you have to make people happy first, before you guys literally beg for money :D but really enjoying playing standard this league. so happy |
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Love the concept for the rogue especially the one with purple sash, though it doesn't seem to shine in-game, based on what I have seen in the promo video. The knight looks amazing!
Last edited by biaXamseng#0802 on Sep 6, 2022, 4:57:23 AM
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" You have the right to express your feelings. GGG however also has the right to ignore your ridiculous requests and continue making the better like they have been doing for a while. Looking forward to PoE2 the way things are gowing with slowing down the meta and making monster encounters more challenging. Arian Synthesis of G3
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I acknowledge that they all work in different teams; those who create pretty MTX, who implement in-game balance changes, and who communicate with users.
Nevertheless, isn't it a pretty poor business decision for a company to cease communicating with its customers on what is probably being received as the worst 'product' in its history, and to tangent off on something completely unrelated? I for one, have so many support packs and MTXs I'd like to own. But I've stopped purchasing for a while. Season after season I am left feeling like my money is better off elsewhere than in PoE. Some seasons I would be sitting on the fence. But this season is not that season. At this point, I'm pretty strongly convinced that I get more joy seeing that extra $90 USD sitting in my bank account. I'm pretty sure there are lots of well-meaning staff in GGG office right now devoting all their hard work to improving my PoE experience. None of them, as an individual, deserves the amount of abuse under which they have been in the past 3 weeks. And for their sake, I don't want to be echoing popular 'hearsay' these days, that our feedback is being ignored, the season has been forsaken (in a literal sense - not Catarina sense), things will always be the same under the Vision, or that the company is out of touch with its user base. But there is a pretty strong case to convince otherwise. It's very tempting to be mistaken. Last edited by Sobredosis#4684 on Sep 6, 2022, 7:26:11 AM
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very nice art design! congatulation
i want to subscribe
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The league is barely out for couple of weeks and currently has as many active players as the last few days of the previous league. GGG front page:
"MICROTRANSACTIONS!!1" Tone-deaf much? |
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At least now we know why the initial 7 characters were exiled...
They probably destroyed a game that was thriving, Dominus was right to exile them. There is something to be said about the update cycle and the story line. They go hand in hand. -Exile into a strange new land ----- New League Mechanic spreading it's wings -Exile Performs seemingly menial tasks ----- 80% of people avoid new content -Exile kills 1st act boss ----- Devs say working as intended or "Okay" -Exile Saves a village from bandits ----- GGG acknowledges there is a problem -Exile plunges world into darkness ----- GGG describes this as their "vision" -Exile corrects their mistake ----- GGG gives us 33% (2% total) buff to drops -Tolman dies ----- GGG shows us Card creation history (No one cares) -Exile kills Piety and Dominus ----- GGG shows us concept art (but they're just puppets) -Exile reclaims the honor of the Maraketh ----- GGG Promises a fix -Exile kills Malachai ----- GGG BRAGS about people getting 100 Divines (by using a 3rd party cheat software)(Geeee what can go wrong I wonder) -Exile awakens Kitava ----- GGG doubles down on Loot goblins -Exile flees from burning Oriath ----- GGG Triples down on loot goblins -Exile tries to save Nessa ----- Streamers raise awareness of the issues -Exile fails to save Nessa ----- GGG Bans PathOfMathil for namecalling (poor Chris and his haircut) -Silk falls in love with a spider ----- GGG Promises to watch data (web of lies) -She eats him ----- GGG Quadruples down on Loot Goblins I feel like this story is going to get a resolution, but that Zana's dad dies at the end. |
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