3.19.1 Patch Notes Preview

BaggerX wrote:
jrv209 wrote:
Imagine being afraid of the community and Reddit to the point that you needed to ban head redditor PoM(I never watched this guy once so miss me with your projection) for being a big bad meanie and now you don't even post patch notes on there. that couldn't be you, GGG... You banned PoM to promote healthy discussion and what have we gotten from you? Oh ya, nothing. It was just an authoritarian-esque warning shot to keep influencers in line. You rule through fear now. The emperor has no clothes.

If someone can't refrain from personal attacks, then they deserve a ban. The hysterics that some people are engaging in regarding this league are just absurd.

sorry, but banning someone from your game for something they said on stream and not even your in-game chat is whack and it's entirely pick and choosey. I can name several streamers who have taken massive dumps on GGG and attacked their competency as developers and gone too far. PoM sucks, but what they did is worse to me. You can ignore this manchild or not promote him at all, but outright banning him is very thin-skinned. Having your community spam a devChecked emote of chris shooting the guy is a very good look, too, right? You've already shown you can control streamers' behavior with this ban so I take your lack of action as you approving of that emote, GGG. I don't know, something rubs me wrong about it especially when GGG welcomes Rue and Quin69 to their community. PoM is right to point out the hypocrisy of the situation. Again I can't stand the guy or the fact that I have to defend him, but he got scapegoated and made an example of just like GGG did to Empy a few leagues back. The difference is that no one likes PoM so they cheered in unison and made edgelord emotes this time.
Next league should be called Betrayal 2.0 with Jonathan as the main boss players must defeat to get their game back. This whale has been harpooned to death until further notice. I won, /vg/ and stalker schizos lost. Zaccie had to delete 90k discord posts to save his job. Never forget.
Last edited by jrv209#2500 on Sep 6, 2022, 11:35:18 PM
Still no loot x)
keep hunt 5div(what were hidden nerfed) mob which you meet once in like 3-4 hours
Good league, ty
Mentoya wrote:
My way of protesting is not interacting with the game mechanic at all since the Lake of Kalandra loot flat out sucks!!! And I recommend others that are unhappy to do the same, since GGG won't like it if players are avoiding the league mechanic.... But that's the only way to send them a message...

Hell, even Grimro did a video hinting that it may not be worth it to do them.........and that's RARE coming from Grimro.... I'm just doing 100% pure heist, which is far more rewarding than the league content, FAR MORE...............

vote with your wallet. Chris said he does not trust/looks at data anyway, so you not playing the game does not mean anything.

I still feel nothing for the patch. NO mentioned the drop rate and heist crafting. still worse than previous version.
I finally decided to try harvest on t16 Kirac mission, and boy was it not worth it. Getting stomped by yet another arch nemesis (nothing new,) to get maybe 150 (if that,) in mixed harvest currency. I can’t see why bother doing anything harvest on high tier when I can do it the same thing on a low tier and net the same rewards without being destroyed by monsters more difficult than pinnacle bosses. So basically just use the same strategy when farming essences, why bother high tier when low tier is just the same without the pain. Sadly though, nothing mentioned about addressing nemesis damage, harvest currency drought, or impactful changes to currency and other drops (feels like I am back in open beta loot scarcity all over again.) Hopefully by the time I join the item rarity build train, maybe that can be addressed too. Don’t like that I have to scrap builds to just use mf characters to feel efficient, scrap builds because it doesn’t have enough layered defenses (especially suppression) to survive, or scrap builds because it doesn’t do enough damage after squeezing in as much defenses (again, mainly suppression.) I miss being able to explore different interactions with items, skills, auras, and ascendancies before all the one shot mechanics, massive degeneration damage, and on death mechanics. I would love for someone to count every on death mechanic each monster and each monster-modifier has now. Also, is it just me or does expedition just barely drop artifacts anymore?
Last edited by grimskuldar#2018 on Sep 6, 2022, 11:33:24 PM
BaggerX wrote:
jrv209 wrote:
[Removed by Support]

If someone can't refrain from personal attacks, then they deserve a ban. The hysterics that some people are engaging in regarding this league are just absurd.

if people can't handle getting "personally attacked" on the internet then they shouldn't be on it and they should probably color in there coloring book
Last edited by Nichelle_GGG#0000 on Sep 8, 2022, 8:59:34 AM
zizaranpoe wrote:
Mentoya wrote:
My way of protesting is not interacting with the game mechanic at all since the Lake of Kalandra loot flat out sucks!!! And I recommend others that are unhappy to do the same, since GGG won't like it if players are avoiding the league mechanic.... But that's the only way to send them a message...

Hell, even Grimro did a video hinting that it may not be worth it to do them.........and that's RARE coming from Grimro.... I'm just doing 100% pure heist, which is far more rewarding than the league content, FAR MORE...............

vote with your wallet. Chris said he does not trust/looks at data anyway, so you not playing the game does not mean anything.

I voted with my wallet in the past....I've bought tons of stash tabs over the years....I don't buy supporter packs, because they don't interest me, but I have bought things like portal effects and stash tabs....Like another player said, "no loot for us, then you'll get no loot ($$$) from me either" Oh and Chris will look at the numbers once he realizes so many people are leaving. Then he will realize where he went wrong.........
Last edited by Mentoya#7912 on Sep 6, 2022, 11:33:19 PM
When starts the new league?
at least there are other games to go to, just need to decide which ones...
Last edited by Mentoya#7912 on Sep 6, 2022, 11:32:31 PM
As I said on the other post.. 3.19 is done.

This is path of goblins from now on...
"Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."

Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words.

poe2 = ruthless 2.0 = bad.

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