Additional Upcoming Changes

Fantatasticfox wrote:
NotoSenpai wrote:

What is random about archnemesis other than the mods the monster is given? Once you've identified what it is you are fighting, you literally know EXACTLY what abilities they will throw at you b/c of their mods.

Does dodging abilities not make a game challenging? Does critiquing your build to adapt to specific modifiers not present a challenge? You just seem to be complaining b/c the game is hard.
Stop moving the goalposts dude. The game is still baby mode easy, and keeping archnemesis but nerfing it over and over isn't making it harder. "Once you've identified what it is you are fighting" once you've identified what mods you are fighting you mean. Most of the time you can't tell what kind of monster you are even fighting. I'm not asking for an easy game I'm just asking for the game to not be shit.

Ight man, idk what will make you happy but I hope you learn how to communicate it to GGG. Before Archnemesis I couldn't even tell when I was fighting a rare. So to the other guys point, it does in FACT make them more interactive and challenging. You just don't happen to enjoy the method in which that is achieved. But again, learn to communicate your thoughts more effectively.
darkdhaos wrote:
Planck-sized step in the right direction.

BarronDaxter wrote:
Im still done with the fkin league m8.

we mentioned we were discussing issues related to magic find/culling feeling mandatory as well as cases where it feels bad to get a lot of quality currency or flasks from killing a monster with specific Archnemesis modifiers. In both of these cases, our discussions are ongoing

There is need for discussion here...? It's plain and simple bad design, clear for anyone that actually plays the game. It's a dead end idea that has no solution and the fact that you didn't see it makes me feel like there is no hope for the game.
Last edited by Razis#4500 on Sep 13, 2022, 12:28:57 PM
NotoSenpai wrote:

Ight man, idk what will make you happy but I hope you learn how to communicate it to GGG. Before Archnemesis I couldn't even tell when I was fighting a rare. So to the other guys point, it does in FACT make them more interactive and challenging. You just don't happen to enjoy the method in which that is achieved. But again, learn to communicate your thoughts more effectively.

I will be happy when I am killed by an attack from a monster not from a mod that happened to be on a monster that is off my screen which is now spawning lightning totems under my feet. I hope this makes sense.
tador88 wrote:

No, is not about time or luck. Is just a gaussian distribution. On the bell curve, you are the middle, I'm one of the end (too less) and the goblin looter are the other end of the bell (too much). This curve existed always in the drop, just that the difference between the ends and the center of the gaussian curve, was way less. With same amount of time invested, we has around same wealth, so all was able to progress equally.
Now, some progress comfortable (like you), some are way too rich and can afford everything, and some are like me, not being able to afford a crafting bench recipe.
Playing from 3.11 and never post in the forum until now. Never came to complain that I didn't ever drop a mirror, a headhunter or a mageblood. I understand this are rare drops that just few lucky will see. But now is not about special loot, is about basic item and basic currency. And not seeing the basic currency is not normal, because you can't progress without it.

This is why so many people are complaining about loot, about goblins. The actual loot system is totally broken, and even you are lucky to be in the middle, this doesn't mean that things are going ok with the game.

The only thing is that it is not only me, who feels comfortable with currency.
Streamers are fine in most, discord communities are fine too.
To be honest, I made WAY MORE currency by trading.
If you have no currency, no drop, I bet you are doing something wrong.
Wish I had 3 arms so I could give this post 3 thumbs down! No one cares at this point.
Actually huge, thanks!
tador88 wrote:

No, is not about time or luck. Is just a gaussian distribution. On the bell curve, you are the middle, I'm one of the end (too less) and the goblin looter are the other end of the bell (too much). This curve existed always in the drop, just that the difference between the ends and the center of the gaussian curve, was way less. With same amount of time invested, we has around same wealth, so all was able to progress equally.
Now, with same time invested, some progress comfortable (like you), some are way too rich and can afford everything, and some are like me, not being able to afford a crafting bench recipe.
Playing from 3.11 and never post in the forum until now. Never came to complain that I didn't ever drop a mirror, a headhunter or a mageblood. I understand this are rare drops that just few lucky will see. But now is not about special loot, is about basic item and basic currency. And not seeing the basic currency is not normal, because you can't progress without it.

This is why so many people are complaining about loot, about goblins. The actual loot system is totally broken, and even you are lucky to be in the middle, this doesn't mean that things are going ok with the game.

well said
We're planning to remove Gems as a possible reward from Tier 3 and 4 generic encounters in the Lake of Kalandra. For the most part, these will be replaced by Currency Chests.

We are also removing the damage from Permafrost's cold-damaging ground area. The area only applies chill now.

For magic monsters only: we're disabling on-death ground effects for the Incendiary modifier. We're also disabling volatiles from spawning on death when a monster with the Toxic modifier is slain.

Flasks will be able to have Fractured modifiers, which can be obtained through the Empowered Elements conversion modifier.

All of these are great changes guys
Degens in general need more toning down on the dmg front. But this is definitely a step in the right direction. I just hate killing something, and then waiting around to pick up loot, it always feels incredibly janky.

I also feel kalandra tile is still too rare. I set up lakes all the time, still haven't gotten one since the patch went out.
Some great changes here, thanks GGG. Looking forward to trying them out in the league as soon as they're ready.

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