Additional Upcoming Changes

Can someone explain, what profit from fractured flasks?
still no fix for culling archnemesis? did you guys meant it its gonna happen this league or in next league?
Last edited by Deviant#8289 on Sep 12, 2022, 10:42:02 PM
Shock ground 10sec still too long.
The 4sec to 3sec looks like cleave +2 change. Lol

However, I like the permafrost change. Good job. Make more like this.

And what about magma barrier orb and heralding minion damage?
Their damage is too high now.
Could have made those changes at day 1 regarding the lake, also could be way better if you could get 4 options and swap/change tiles was always there and you could make an perfect lake in an few maps and also push the tiles to be bigger potentially up to difficulty 20 extremely hard and people would try to do it and just only extremely strong build could push but could have been build very easily, also made the arenas larger and less fractured and potentially added rare reflection of bigger bosses like phoenix, conquerors and even maybe reflection of shaper with maybe very good rewards also could have made the reflection mist with slightly better odds and little more common could been cool to have an nice amulet

It’s kind weird that league name after the biggest item in the game had its potential set at an low bar

How do you don't have an easy solution? Just revert the loot back to 3.17 or even 3.18 re add the historic buff that you removed for no reason..

"Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."

Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words.

poe2 = ruthless 2.0 = bad.

You've given me hope that I might be able to collect Hateforge one day :^)!

Best 3.19 patch ever for Trialmaster unique collectors :D!
Last edited by SleepyHeadedSkeleton#2596 on Sep 12, 2022, 10:46:04 PM
Rawrasawr wrote:
When is the next Tencent shareholder meeting?

Lmao, you think tencent would want them to make the game harder while still banning rtm? haters gonna hate. this league has been pog. started out feeling like the good ol days and just got better. i've played much more of this league then any for a while at this point and its been a blast
Global 1 is cancer.
By agreeing to these terms of use, you acknowledge that bugs are like cool and stuff
and that you will bow to the Mealworm king when he ascends the throne.
The state of AN is horrible, as it is possible that it costs me more to reach the guardians due to the effects of AN than to kill the guardian himself, I delete the guardians but there are AN that are almost immortal, the loot is high but of things useless, and come to die because an AN fills my screen with objects or flask.

please fix it, if I'm this frustrated with the league I can't imagine the most casual. that if I can play more games but for the love I have for poe, I want it to continue to advance and be fun.
We're planning to remove Gems as a possible reward from Tier 3 and 4 generic encounters in the Lake of Kalandra. For the most part, these will be replaced by Currency Chests

Those weapon and armour rewards as well
We are lowering the duration of the shocked ground on death from the Electrocuting archnemesis mod from 25 seconds to 10 seconds.

lol 25s for real????
hope they dont forget add reforge keep prefix/sufix next league
and add divine orb shards/cards
gamble for craft itens is not fun for me
the best leagues was ritual with harvest to craft, then sentinel with recombinator
this give a nice goal to play the game i will not grind for 1 month to try 0.001% to craft a perfect item (that will be trash when the league end)
this vision only make u lose player retention and money
Last edited by Mokurp#2464 on Sep 12, 2022, 11:46:43 PM

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