3.19.1c Patch Notes Preview
I used to play standard after a league was over just to mess around, but as someone who kept most of his currency in exalts and not divines, I had my 'net worth' decimated by about 15x because of the exalt/divine swap.
[Removed by Support] Last edited by Kane_GGG#0000 on Sep 20, 2022, 8:38:04 PM
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" Yep. People who farmed thousands of divines before the change are now richer then the people who had gained thousands of exalts over the months/years. Haven't logged in for over a week and looks like I wont be for a while yet. Game has become boring for me so no point logging in. |
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Glad I quit wasting time on this league 2 weeks ago. Constant disappointment.
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Permafrost ground still dealing dmg, fix it
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Fix your [Removed by Support] league and craft system
Last edited by Lisa_GGG#0000 on Sep 21, 2022, 3:39:23 PM
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Hello. Thank you for your continual updating the game.
I have an idea regarding as up to yet a non-available Quality of Life feature regarding: quality map sorting. Would it be possible for the dedicated map stash tab and/or if possible for other tabs (regular and shared tabs) there to become an option available to sort maps and to rank them by their quality from low to high and/or vice versa? This feature would be I think an extremely nice add on to faster sort maps to sort and pick and go, and I am under the impression that such a feature would not remove from the game experience and possibly add to it in terms of making the sorting and picking of maps more efficient and I also think that implementing such a feature, say coding wise wouldn't take too long to implement, if I am not mistaken. I for instance like to have a dedicated stash tab (either shared or default) reserved to put my maps into that are usually tier 16's corrupt that I craft. Just for clarity attempting to do this in the main map stash tab would take too long to get them all crafted and also would potentially conflict in terms of if and when new maps come in it would make it take extra time to sort between custom crafted ones and the fresh ones which wouldn't always be clear which ones are which, that is why I have chosen to have a separate, regular stash tab on top of the official map one. Accordingly, when I have the time for this, I put unidentified, corrupt maps into a separate stash and identified corrupt ones into the one I said I reserve, so I sort maps but then when it comes to picking them up by quality, to run high quality ones for special purposes (ritual, high-value sextants, um.. others purposes too like fun), it would be somewhat... Somewhat helpful to be able to pick maps ranged in their quality, from high to low opposite to for instance having to search through the whole stash tab for preferential maps with for instance high quality because sometimes a whole stash tab of identified, corrupt maps could have less than 100% quality and then I for instance having just gone through the whole stash tab, looking at each map individually, whereby seeing this I have to get some more maps out of my main map stash tab and identify, scour. Chisel, alch and corrupt them and read from that new bundle in my inventory again for high quality maps for instance, sorting them in one of the 3 stash tabs I use for this endeavor. 1 stash tab is thus for identified corrupt (and chiseled) tier 16 maps. 2nd stash tab is for the same type of maps only unidentified, and 3rd stash tab that I allocate is dedicated to only non (mana) regeneration maps. I used to have also a stash tab dedicated to only high quality maps, but okay: never enough high quality maps in Wraeclast and I am fine with this but.. Then the time to craft and find high quality maps together with the temptation to only run those maps with high quality to them was too high and then I would end up with a lot of other maps that are either tier 16 corrupt and unidentified, or had no-mana regeneration to them or were just tier 16 identified and corrupt but of a too low quality and they would I think from memory vastly outnumber the amount of high quality maps and so on, and so on... But, and so: I would for instance myself love to have this procedure somewhat more streamlined to save me from having to go throughout the whole of a stash tab, reviewing each map individually and searching for high quality ones (240 individual maps in total in a regular or shared stash tab) by simply adding a sort option to the tabs, even if only to the dedicated map stash tab that I usually use for hoarding maps. The function to search for things in stash tab is already very handy because it allows me in essence to also on top of sorting identified tier 16, corrupted maps and separating them with unidentified tier 16 corrupted maps, to search for only type of maps that I find bothersome to run, because of having to exchange one of my flasks (and turning one of my aura's in map off), and those maps are ones of no mana (-life and es) regeneration. So in conclusion: Taking (preferred) maps out of the main map stash tab in game. Then identifying them from my character's inventory, then accordingly scouring, chiseling, alching and corrupting them. Then putting them all in one dedicated stash tab either shared or non-shared (default-tab). From there, searching for unidentified maps (which are also easy to recognize due to them being contrasted by a red coloring of the individual map background), and then clicking these maps into player inventory out of stash tab, and putting them into another dedicated stash tab. Going back to the allocated stash tab with crafted maps and searching for no-regen maps. Taking them out of the stash tab and clicking them into the player inventory and then clicking them into another dedicated stash tab for this purpose. Are easy steps. Also enjoyable steps due to the use and ease of the tab-search function. The problem, at least for me lies in the fact that then after for instance having filled up my tier-16 identified corrupt maps dedicated stash tab, going individually through all of them. Searching for high quality ones, and taking them out takes a very long time and takes away from playing the game in an unusual, time consuming manner because of having to go through the aforementioned 240 individual spots available in a stash tab. Now what's more, each time this tab is filled up with newly crafted maps for instance, unless one takes a precaution of filling the blank spots that become available after picking out the preferred maps to add newly crafted ones into the dedicated tab, one needs to take present maps from that tab out of it, into player inventory and put them back into the tab so that the blanks are filled up and newly crafted maps can be placed at the end of the low quality maps from that tab, which makes it easier to go through the dedicated stash tab without having to go through the whole of the dedicated stash tab completely becomes then an extra step onto an extra step onto an extra step onto an extra step. That step or those or such steps on by themselves would not be too bothersome to do one time but for instance if there are no good high-quality maps available, repeating these steps over and over again becomes potentially more time consuming and could be sort of I think (relatively) easily prevented by having an auto-sort feature for maps, to sort from high to low quality which I think would not affect the game negatively in any way that I can think of at the moment. One way of countering the issue I described or at least attempted to is to sort the maps directly out of the player's inventory, into basically 4 different stash tabs which is admittedly faster than having a dump stash and sorting from out there but the idea still remains for some reason. A map auto sort by quality feature would be very much appreciated but okay. I of course am not the developer but a mere player, with sometimes an idea or a suggestion consisting of probably too many words. A minority in all respects but that is okay. Last edited by HellsW1ind#4897 on Sep 21, 2022, 4:18:54 AM
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For casual like me, about 10hrs weekly, game changed completely. After one month I hit the wall of progression and instead of fun I feel only frustration.
Changes that hit me hard with 3.19 are: 1. lack of loot (10 t5 alch and go maps give me roughly 1to2 chaos orb, more I get from chaos recipe but its boring afger while) 2. Mana efficiency mastery (dont remember when I use any offensive aura, always grace and determina5ion now which is sad) 3. Harvest crafting now is just too bad in this state, you should remove it at all and will be better than it is now. I really try to push league harder but I just dont enjoy your game. Hope you will make some meaningful changes in 3.20. Gl |
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After 2 weeks this is not out yet? xddddddddddddddddddddddd
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" They had to carefully determine the exact effects this change would cause to the player gameplay experience and playtest this patch extensively. In exact and stark contrast to whoever went "Hey, you know that Arch Nemesis shit that we had as league mechanic? let's do that but to every rare and magic mob in the game" which was acted upon immediately and with no actual testing done. Seriously, when I saw this was going to be added a week ago I thought, cool, these are actually good things being done. Now, a full week later I see that the patch STILL hasn't been applied. Any positivity that these changes gave has evaporated when realizing just how messed up the process here is. I mean, It must be some hardcore programming to remove damage component from permafrost ground or toxic volatile orbs from blue mobs with Toxic mod. |
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Neighter this patch, nor the other ones, changes nothing. In its current state the game is punishing as well as unrewarding. Not worth my time. You can put sunglasses on a piece of sh*t it will stink nevertheless. You should heed what your playerbase say and want as long as you have any.
Last edited by Eromo#1315 on Sep 21, 2022, 7:10:14 AM
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