Build of the Week Season 10 - Episode 2 - Mathil's Rolling Magma Deadeye

Few things are better than meme builds which are, in fact, not meme at all!
A.k.a. Sinisa / sinisasub85.
any chance a melee build is going to be next? Show off all the wonderful things yall have done for melee.
Still failing to solve "The Riddle of Melee" 4.0 HYPE!!!
THE EAGLES!!! (bleeds out from a wound to the gut)
the eagles...are...coming...(coughs)...the eagles...
TheSwarmIdentity wrote:
auspexa wrote:
defenses, hp and evasion, lmao. it's completely alright to play like that but the fact that you're advertising it as if that's enough layers to play the game without dying every 3 minutes is disgusting. next time remember to mention that players will use all their portals while playing a build like this

You might want to watch the build in action (aka Mathil's VODs). Definitely didn't die every three minutes nor use all his portals while playing.

irrelevant and straw man. these videos were meant to be for the average player and mathil is way better at the game than an average player. I've never said anything about mathil dying all the time with the build, he manages to make pretty much anything work in the end by optimizing and min maxing his builds, so you're just talking out of your ass. if you seriously think hp+evasion is enough to survive in this league, either you're not even playing the game atm or you have 7k life with 95% evasion. a good player can even play with a 4k hp no evasion, no armour build and do well depending on other parameters, this doesn't mean that it's optimal
"buff grenades"

- Buff Grenades (Buff-Grenades)
Last edited by auspexa#1404 on Sep 21, 2022, 6:22:41 PM
auspexa wrote:
these videos were meant to be for the average player

Where does it say that? Who's the average player? Who defines that?

Me not playing this league changes nothing btw. I pointed out that Mathil didn't die every three minutes, that's all. You then tried twisting my words into something about average players.
Last edited by TheSwarmIdentity#0894 on Sep 21, 2022, 6:31:41 PM
I'm not a fan of you guys using the showcase to highlight one of (if not) the most popular build makers in your game who has shown undying support for your company. It feels wrong and makes me put on a tinfoil hat when I should just be enjoying that you brought this series back. You guys scouring the forums for some random guy's cool build felt neat and organic. This feels the opposite.
Next league should be called Betrayal 2.0 with Jonathan as the main boss players must defeat to get their game back. This whale has been harpooned to death until further notice. I won, /vg/ and stalker schizos lost. Zaccie had to delete 90k discord posts to save his job. Never forget.
auspexa wrote:
TheSwarmIdentity wrote:
auspexa wrote:
defenses, hp and evasion, lmao. it's completely alright to play like that but the fact that you're advertising it as if that's enough layers to play the game without dying every 3 minutes is disgusting. next time remember to mention that players will use all their portals while playing a build like this

You might want to watch the build in action (aka Mathil's VODs). Definitely didn't die every three minutes nor use all his portals while playing.

irrelevant and straw man. these videos were meant to be for the average player and mathil is way better at the game than an average player. I've never said anything about mathil dying all the time with the build, he manages to make pretty much anything work in the end by optimizing and min maxing his builds, so you're just talking out of your ass. if you seriously think hp+evasion is enough to survive in this league, either you're not even playing the game atm or you have 7k life with 95% evasion. a good player can even play with a 4k hp no evasion, no armour build and do well depending on other parameters, this doesn't mean that it's optimal

"these videos were meant to be for the average player"

Can I get a source on that? My understanding is that the builds were always just to show off cool mechanics and ideas.

"he manages to make pretty much anything work in the end by optimizing and min maxing his builds, so you're just talking out of your ass"

To me this proves you're talking out of your ass. There have been MULTIPLE times on stream over the years that he has said he knows his builds could have more min maxing and doesn't really care to.
jrv209 wrote:
when I should just be enjoying that you brought this series back.

Had you enjoyed the series, you'd know Mathil appeared on it three times - even during non-tinfoil hat times. Creative builds increase the chance of being featured, and he makes like a dozen per league.
Last edited by TheSwarmIdentity#0894 on Sep 21, 2022, 6:44:53 PM
TheSwarmIdentity wrote:
auspexa wrote:
these videos were meant to be for the average player

Where does it say that? Who's the average player? Who defines that?

Me not playing this league changes nothing btw. I pointed out that Mathil didn't die every three minutes, that's all. You then tried twisting my words into something about average players.

because, you know, they've been emphasizing that for years, every time they get the chance to do so? and I've never said that they are showcasing a build where the content creator kept dying every 3 minutes, a decent player can easily make this or any build work, provided they have enough dps. it's just funny to me that they make it seem like hp and evasion are enough for the endgame content of the league, your average "muh streamer build" copy pasta andies will most likely hate the game if they play a build that relies entirely on evasion
"buff grenades"

- Buff Grenades (Buff-Grenades)

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