Design a T-Shirt Competition Highlights


Dang Yo
I have a couple of questions about these works.

In 3.19, Exalt dropped in price, but the merch remained, because Exalt is a cult currency.
Immediately offer 6 links from the authorities. Original? Undoubtedly.
but in 4.0 item links will be removed. OK.

Also, we're hoping people will be able to wear these shirts in public without feeling silly.


In order to place a 10x10 boss icon on the edge of T-shirt, contests with awards are not needed. After all, you will be surprised, this is not creative. This is just a repeat of an existing Exalted Orb merch concept.

Just add endgame bosses. Simple and beautiful. True, this particular implementation looks unbalanced. The Exarch dominates most of the details, the Eater is simply present as a reference color.

Also, we're hoping people will be able to wear these shirts in public without feeling silly.

We are waiting for an application where there will be a completely one-color T-shirt with one protruding red thread as a reference to Malachai

What's this? And why is it doing this at all?

This is the best work presented, especially if its author used his own art, and did not steal it from the Internet. However, you yourself decided that he is the best, putting him on the preview.

Guys, this is sad. I have no idea what's on your mind or how tired you are of seeing "original" of Tabula Rasa merch or snarky memes. But I'm sure there are much better ones out there.
my hideouts -
i m disappointed that the cluster of archnemesis mods shirts did not make it here lol...

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