What to Expect Over the Coming Months
With Ruthless being introduced can we have 3.13 balance and harvest back or still dying on this hill?
ProbablyGettingNerfed - L100 Occultist
Vinktarded - L100 Pathfinder GoogleDiversityHire - L100 Necromancer 3.13 was the pinnacle of PoE. IVYS+1 Gang 4 Life. |
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I pray they fix the game and make it fun again. If Ruthless keeps the changes in 3.18 and 3.19...then adds more difficulty great.
As for me I hope POE reverts to 3.17 which is the most fun I ever had in the game. Building my own monstrosity I only had myself to blame if it took thirty minutes to kill (which actually happened on several notable occassions). I'm sad the game has deteriorated to this point. |
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In normal league, there is nothing dropped now.
I cannot imagine what will happen in Ruthless. Maybe we will have to kill Brutus with only 3-5 white item equipped? That's really amazing! You guys are always striving to make something no one needs or loves! |
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Most people have come to an agreement that the loot goblin form of loot distribution was a terrible decision.
I think people have entirely side-tracked this discussion by claiming normal gameplay was not rewarding enough now. I think this part is mostly fine, but the difference is excessive spammy loot. We likely find around 30 to 40 times more rare amulets, rare rings, rare jewels, magic flasks, whetstones/scraps, etc... than we did in the past. It is not at all that the base game no longer drops you rare amulets or jewels, but that we continually face monsters that drop 10-20-30 of them at once which is frankly ridiculous and disruptive. I was always one to loot some rares and surely, jewels could be ok to pick up because even if it was a small chance of combining well, you'd always eventually get a jewel that sell for an ex or two (div now). People just decide how they want to play and if this is all worth it to pick 100 jewels to get 1-2 that have market value. But now frankly, it's just way too much. Picking up a few rares a map to look them over and vendor them if no good is fine. Now this league, I have had time where I would fill my entire inventory with rare jewels and rings and amulets by just being in a map for a few minutes. This is not fun. There is no problem with a lack of loot generally. There is plenty of that and I've been asking since around ritual for loot to be nerfed. I think it become a bit too much overtime and you need to adjust a few things so that reward doesn't kill the reward. Understanding that if every map you run you drop 40 chisels, then obviously those chisels have no value because everyone over-sustain them massively. And we have seen this going on, people can't remember a time when chisels would be half a chaos each when recently we seen them go down to 15 for 1c. To me once there is too much reward, then this reward gets skewed toward having no value because nobody needs it. Which comes back to loot goblin generally dropping loot nobody needs at all. Because it's just so much of the same. I don't even think about the currency ones. Just the rest of them are ridiculous. Currency one don't create excess amount of currency to drop. But jewels or flasks ones do. Obviously, so does the trashman goblin that vomits out scraps everywhere. Last edited by screaminjay#6186 on Oct 13, 2022, 9:17:31 PM
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GGG, if you see this message. This is completely off topic but can we get the half Eater of Worlds and Searing Exarch T shirt as a hoodie and long sleeve?
I really really want multiple hoodies of that design! I'll settle for long sleeves too! Also, can they be in colors like black and grey and not just white? Cheers and thanks :D! |
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Any chance we'll get an additional toggle to make the game good again? Kind of reverse ruthless mode for y'know the majority of the player base who liked the game back when it was good a few leagues back?
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Does Ruthless game option get its own challenge/rewards ?
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**EDIT** I wrote this post thinking this is the big patch but never mind, it should be the smaller patch with the big patch hitting around the second month of next year which is probably why they are wanting to "Jump" on 3.21 a month early. Makes abit more sense I had to research when the last expansion patch was. But I still stand by what I'm saying is that I hope this next patch is a fun, juiced patch people can sink their teeth into to be excited for the 3.21 expansion patch.
Ok....two things... (And this isn't meant to cause hostility, but that alot of people are disappointed in the current state of the game) First... " With how 3.19 went, this is super dangerous and hope you have guys are VERY confident in 3.20. Also hope you guys figured out the drop situation because you guys stating "Monsters should be dropping more loot" and us playing it and telling you you're wrong over and over again is the reason I'm bringing this up. 3.19 Facts from people and the backlash of this league We hate loot goblins We hate arch-nemesis We hate the endgame status and the lack of juicing We hate the lack of drops We hate the lack of changes to skill gems We hate the balance of league mechanics releasing too weak vs too strong in reward quality as well as when the league mechanics has other leagues in it as rewards, being FAR too unrewarding. (Because it takes you 3 weeks to tweak it and even then it still felt bad) We want some Boss uniques BUFFED and drop rates of harder boss uniques BUFFED Second... " A little wordy and feels like you guys are trying to cover up for the fact that what you may say wont be taken out of context, yet it will be taken out of context because people...will take it out of context and take what you're saying and stretching it much further then what is being meant. But also if you are bringing this to light to have a discussion and give feedback, that also means you will have to provide more information then you normally would so our math nerds have time to relay the proper feedback if it will be a good change or not. Just be careful please and triple check what you are telling us. If anything with that extra Month, I strongly advise a slightly larger pool of beta testers for the league (who are willing to exclude them selves from race rewards). Thats just my take. Because if loot goblins are still a thing, lack of skill changes, lack of reward changes, lack of league specifics drops, league mechanic looks bland, etc. I'll be holding out until next patch or so on until I feel the game deserves to be played again. Last edited by xRev703#5439 on Oct 13, 2022, 11:25:11 PM
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almost 2 more months of lootgoblins? Nah man. I don't think so. I'm good
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