Streamer Interview - Subtractem

a nice dude for sure! gg Subcrackem :D
i want to subscribe
really im pretty sure all the streamer stop playing because you made the game impossible....and less and less streamer play the game so what the big end? having no body play the game? because you gonna make it... you gonan succced BRAVO you WIN the SUK ASSS just like the developer team 10/10 999/10 pro team to make everyone quit... continue you still gona win the most quiting game like forkknife
Awesome interview choice!
Subtractem is one of the most wholesome streamers ever <3
Her beauty did not fade
her humanity did not survive.
Yep, Velyna is definitely being watched because of the laughs :)
"The item crafting nerfs allowed for more item diversity?"
Serious? So please get your diversity when the game cannot bear any end-game item made by yourself? When I ask tens of players after 3.13, the only answer is only powerful items could allow players to experience different skills, which is almost worth deletion since all kinds of problems without solution compared with other useful skills. If you have no dps, no clear, no defense, I cannot imagine what you could do with such a character, and GGG do work in this direction, for more than 1.5 years.

As for support systems, powerful is always the only choice, since sometimes you cannot even find 5 proper support gems for your build, let alone these supports suffered a catastrophe in expedition. GGG never made a balance between power and function, without enough damage output such functions like extra 4 arrows are a joke and even lower your dps. Only with enough currency, we have the chance to lose small amount of dps for better clear or faster speed, and GGG tried their best to prevent players to reach such a stage.

Everyone knows the very beginning of gaming is to have fun, but it's obvious almost everyone recalls the time before 3.14. The whole gameplay is not fun, at least to the main group of players of POE. It could give us a sense of achievement when we defeat a powerful end-game boss, if there is something like achievement system, rather than the poor drops. For us normal players, it is a joke to donate "admission ticket" (half or several divines or exalts before this league) and get several rare item and one trash unique, let alone we might failed several times. That's not and can never be a sense of achievement, but physiological and psychological torture at the same time.

Without enough selectivity, the whole game is now tedious since if we cannot get everything available together our build will not have enough offense and defense, only get one-shot. That's one of the most essential reasons of homogenized builds. As for maps we run, and game content we farm, reasons are similar.

GGG tried and is trying their best to extend time for players to "end game", but the truth is always the same, players quit the terrible game earlier and earlier.
The only solution might come when there is less than 1000 real players in it I think. I've seen so many players selected to become a game "farmer" to earn money since the game cannot continuously provide happy to them.
Nice Interview - next one with PilleBrille please!
Thank you for the interview!!
Subtractem is by far my favorite PoE streamer. He interacts with his community and actually answers questions. He isn't as standoffish with his followers as many of the other top streamers are. He is the only streamer that I actually subscribed to (until I bailed out on Kalandra) I don't subscribe to others streamers because they simply ignore any questions I asked them.
Only streamer I follow and watch when Im not playing a league.
Always great content!
"The item crafting nerfs allowed for more item diversity while retaining high power fantasy"

This is one of the worst arguments i have ever read.

i dont even know who this dude is nor do i wanna know now.
Last edited by JohnBregol#7015 on Nov 11, 2022, 8:17:12 AM

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