3.20 Balance Manifesto: Monster Mods and Archnemesis

All in all, looks like very good changes!
CyberYeti wrote:
I really hope this launches well and doesn't need a ton of tweaking. Mainly to keep reddit quiet. I really don't care how hard the game is. I also hope the rewards for the harder fights are scaled properly.

Crossing my fingers and hoping you got it "right" this time.

Maybe at some point we can have real arch nemesis type encounters? Akin to rogue exiles or mini bosses, but elite monsters that do a very specific thing and we have to learn and watch out for them in certain tile sets. That would be super cool and add the fear of dominus back into our hearts.

I agree with this. Lacking better rewards was the main problem with AN before.

A 5 minute fight for one mob and getting nothing to show for it feels bad.
Okay, now you guys have my attention. This is a huge leap forward(or backward, which is also fine in this context)!
People dont realize Executioner and things like this are still going to present serious issues. Or has this been removed ? I am a bit confuseed how this all is going to work
Last edited by Jradlot21#0486 on Nov 16, 2022, 3:55:08 PM
durzo1 wrote:
GGG trying to fix problems they created...

they created the game, of course any problem they fix is a problem they created, this is one of the statements of all time.
Obamanizer wrote:
so fucking magic find full parties will still drop 70 divines while the normies will only get 4 chaos..... Done with GGG

yep, they aint changed shit xD

only now you wont see wich mob is touched by divines :D
mf groups will not give a fuck and get fat loot, while we solo players can get fucked :)
we doubling down for the 5th time baby, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

1)Loot goblin stays
2)AN stays, just got broken down into simpler mods
3)100d lootsplosions will still be there. but it's gonna be exclusive for 6-man MF parties. removing cullers will only affect casuals.

Tell me where I am wrong.

I don't know why people can't see this. GGG thinks we hate hiring MF parties. But we actually hate the AN rewards system. Instead of fixing the actual problem they just remove the actual solution players found for their vision...

Exactly, ppl are getting baited by first line of the manifesto instead reading all of it. "In the new system, we have added a significant pool of new rewards to rares, but the reward that is on the monster is hidden" sound exactly like lootgoblins but w/o targetable modpool that we knew when to call mf culler. Same shit in new edition #archnem2.0
Last edited by GangstaRooster#1409 on Nov 16, 2022, 3:55:34 PM
keep it simple

The game is either going to get absurdly easy now, or this just a "we changed the Archnemesis modifier naming pattern to actually showing on the enemy what bonuses it's getting".

Think about it:
You get a monster with Incendiary, plus some random white text below it's name. In the current patch, this means that monster has 6 lines of buffs (all the different shit from Incendiary) plus whatever is in white under it.

From their post, this LOOKS like it's telling you "a monster that had Incendiary will now have only ONE buff perfectly described in it's place", plus whatever it could have in white already. Which would make mobs disgustingly easy again. And I feel like this isn't the direction they were trying to go since Archnemesis was first implemented.

I think a better read of this post is "a monster that previously had Incendiary will now have ALL those Incendiary buffs outlined clearly under it's name".

And seriously, at this point, weren't we already used to the Archnemesis tags? I think a much better solution by now would be removing SOME of the buffs those tags gave them, removing the most problematic Archnemesis modifiers (draught-bringer, the permableed one), and revise the the loot accordingly.

And just as a big PSA, they told us NOTHING about how this change will affect loot. If this goes as it looks, this means monsters are about to get absurdly weak, which would spell what for loot? Even shittier drops?

I don't know man, I'm holding my horses for this one. The Jewel Manifesto was good, but this one looks a lot more problematic for the overall health of the game.
Her beauty did not fade
her humanity did not survive.
Last edited by aLamew#4784 on Nov 16, 2022, 4:48:53 PM

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