Eldritch Altars FAQ

Well as i already said in the last Manifesto update:

With 3.17 GGG established a new good way of farming and killing stuff that was hard but also rewarding and fun, the new Altar System, which many of us relied on.

After introducing Altars 3 leagues ago or 9 MONTHS(!!!) ago GGG now thinks they are "too rewarding"? Since you (GGG) point it out JUST NOW that they are "too rewarding" how "too rewarding" can they really be? IF Altars are really "too rewarding" then why didn't you nerf them into the ground 2 leagues ago with 3.18?

You didn't. Your reasoning that Altars are too rewarding is fallacious and you would have gutted them leagues ago. If it was a big deal you would NOT have done nothing for the last 2 leagues doing nothing.

There aren't many good (whatever this means) and fun systems left in PoE. In short time if you continue your fallacious reasoning you will kill your game (it's already half dead tbh).

I don't know what kind of "Vision" you have GGG but if fallacious reasoning and taking stuff and fun away from your game is part of it then keep it up and see how many players will be left when your so called "Vision" finally kicks in.
Very excited for the new league! Thanks for the update.
"Are you nerfing Heist and Expedition rewards?"

Why was this question germane to a Q&A about eldritch altars?
Can you clarify that have you reduced influenced mobs that spawns in maps by 33% or influenced mobs that spawns from altars? Or did you reduce them both by 33%? Manifesto was little bit confusing.

Great seeing clarification on Awakened Gems. Hopefully it "feels" good to run Maven witness bosses, and I'm wondering how much MF can affect AG drops
Please just remember to say EVERYTHING you're going to do in the patch notes I don't want to waste a week of my life in the league to figure out that GGG removed the loot but didn't talk about it okay.
So please tell us EVERYTHING that is all
So loot is nerfed again since altars were our main source after what you did to league mechanic bonuses. people in this community are so beaten and downtrodden that they actually think you're buffing loot when you clearly stated you were nerfing altars since they were too fun and rewarding for us. The change to add a random amount of influenced mobs instead of the good-feeling amount we had in the past is very concerning. I feel like you guys are just going ahead with what you want aka the vision and not what we want. I don't see a shift in mentality that says you are done burning your community to the ground. Anyways hopefully the reddit drama isn't more interesting than your game again....
Next league should be called Betrayal 2.0 with Jonathan as the main boss players must defeat to get their game back. This whale has been harpooned to death until further notice. I won, /vg/ and stalker schizos lost. Zaccie had to delete 90k discord posts to save his job. Never forget.
I´m still a bit confused about the altar keystones. from what i can tell grand ichors will be much rarer than embers because of the wrath of the cosmos changes
(ichors mostly dropping from bosses probably while you can still farm grand embers, just smaller quantities).
impulze3 wrote:
Are you nerfing Heist and Expedition rewards?
We have no plans regarding this.

wasn't it nerfed this patch ? i've seen some people talk about it

Gwennen gamble got nerfed. The amount of uniques was just way lower than usual.
The best thing to do is to finish killing the surrounding monsters before reading the Altar.

Sorry, but nothing feels worse than backtracking. I want to click the altar as soon as I stand next to it, not run back to it after I cleared the mobs after it. Can you tell me what exactly would be the drawback to putting a reward icon into the box next to the text? I really am struggling to see a downside there...

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