3.20 Balance Manifesto: Curses

"Previously they nerfed melee, I said noting cuz I m playing range; Then they nerfed the drops, I said thats great yum yum noob tiers I play this fkn game 3 hrs eveyday; Now they nerf everything and there's no one speaking for me." COPIUM GIGACHAD
Would anything happen with selfcurse setups?
due to a back injury that affects my hands/finger control i play a deaths oath build in which i dont have to do much apart from move ... i also do this in the knowledge my build (or maybe my lack of skill) means i cant do the pinnacle bosses .. i also dont play multiplayer .. and they have just gutted this build by either reducing the damage i do .. increasing the damage i take .. making it so that the skills mana cost/reservation is more than 100% .. or all of the above. i started playing this game in 3.14 and every league since that has bricked a build i was playing. the first one by removing completely a mechanic on an item which the build was built around through to another which reduced the DPS by 26% and another which increased the mana cost of reserved skills alone to 115% of my mana.

is it just me or do GGG seem more concerned about the top 1 or 2 % of players who min/max a character/class/ascendancy as opposed to the majority of the players who play casually and/or those players who play certain builds because thats what we like or a limited to play?

i play a "one-handed" type of build because it is difficult for me to play a build where it requires me to button bash "every" key on the keyboard and even with this build i sometimes have to stop because it causes problems with my hand/fingers.

this game won me over from a long time diablo player ( from diablo 1 through 2 and 3 .. 3 alone was over 4000 hours playtime on one charcater alone). i fell in love with this game for its diversity in character creation and for how much "the game" tried to kill you ... but i think i might have to go give up on POE. i will try this build with the new changes but it doesnt look good :(
"It's normal for these monsters to have various hidden penalties, as noting every single one would create a lot of clutter in their mod descriptions. Players can reasonably expect these monsters to be more difficult to fight, so in general, showing the entire list of penalties is not very necessary. However, the penalty against Hexes is an outlier because it's much more significant compared to other hidden penalties."

No, dear GGG mates. It is not very necessary to have them clearly described.
It is mandatory. And this is one of the weakest parts in the game - the tooltip management. I really hope you see this and learn it well.

Happy to see some good balances. Keep it up.
Last edited by fostaa#0384 on Nov 28, 2022, 3:03:58 AM
hmm, need to wait for someones video to tell me what all this is and how it will change things.
Sounds like the hex master will stop being a master of hexes... sad seeing class identity gutted.
Hope it's not as bad as it sounds...
mastersmoob wrote:
speed is the reasons most of the gamers in poe rip yall just focus so hard on endgame only u forget to me it seems that regardless of nerf or blanace its supposed to be a fair fight and a challenge even in hard core or on standard still no easy buckets its a arpg old school with modern custom dynamics its not a auto hit wonder for all stuff this game as to offer for all builds its made for customs stuff but ur not a super god going thru just win by default no effort lol yall sound in my humble option I like the game still though I will admit the time they made the game nigh impossible to win I still still smashing stuff easy yet the problem was the bug factor of the monsters skills I tried the recently made delerium every where and even at lvl 1 its unplayable pretty much I got no idea how other than top .000001 percent could even full clear that hot mess run lol

My man just straight up hates ponctuation
Self casting curses feel clunky without any additional cast speed, I have mixed feelings about these changes.

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