Path of Exile: The Forbidden Sanctum Teasers

Wow this explody flask is actually super useful and has a good uptime/low charges per use. Bismuth base (35% to all res) screams what kind of characters will want to use it, if you know what i mean hehe.

Thanks Steelmage, a really refreshing gameplay awaits.
aefoa wrote:
Could someone explain to me why people like Vaal skills?
There's little to no options to invest in to reduce soul gain prevention time, therefore making vaal skills an additional button that you have to keep visual tracking of for whether it's ready to be used or not, this makes gameplay more stressful in terms of the attention it draws for such a small impact that it provides within an insignificant period of time.

As i see Vaal skills, they only add some dps against map bosses and maybe legions, depending on the skill's mechanics.

There was such way to develop and get fabulous gameplay. But even in standard, it got cut several times.

Generally speaking, there are many great example that vaal skills benefit your builds, such as blade vortex, lightning strike, molten shell, ancestral warchief, double strike, summon skeletons and rightous fire.
The reason these vall skills are successful is, they are buff or defense skills that could provide one extra powerful buff to your build or significantly increase your defense while normal guarding skill is during its cooldown; or they are damage skills with great property, which means, some grant extra damage for your normal version skill, others could deal explosive damage for boss fight without influence your action.

The vaal skills that need to stand still for a while are silly, like vaal cyclone, and no one would like to use them.
The vaal skills that change the form of the normal skills are not popular, since we'll have better choice for map clear, unless its "cooldown" doesn't significantly influence your gameplay or it won't donate anything but increase the price of the skill gem.

Then let's analyze these new vaal skills.
Vaal venom gyre. Normal skill is for speedrun with powerful items, but weak in boss fight. Vaal version could benefit its speed but the change wouldn't be very huge. The problem of boss fight isn't solved. Besides, it is not a popular skill, thus things won't change.
Vaal blade flurry. Normal skill is for boss fight, but in recent years it only served for general's cry build. I guess its vaal version cannot be triggered anyway, thus general's cry build don't need it. It's vaal version need long time to stand still as vaal cyclone does and doesn't even deal any damage while channeling, it means it's even worse than vall cyclone, although it looks fantastic. The time you stand still is so enough for enemies to kill you 100 times.
Vaal molten stike. Normal skill is for boss fight, and the vaal version is designed for map clear. If its soul gain prevention is acceptable, it would be a great choice for molten stike builds, although its projectile speed seems not enough.
Vaal smite. Normal skill, as a melee skill, it is not bad but not as popular as lightning stike, but as an aura skill, it is powerful. According to their explanation, vaal version also provides an aure which is even more powerful than smite itself, thus aura would like to use it. As it works like vaal ice nova, it would be fantastic to solve the problem of map clear, and even 1-key legion.
Vaal caustic arrow. Normal skill is powerful in map clear but weak for boss fight. Its vaal version is still map clear and cannot deal multiple damage to one target, it seems not a successful design.
Vaal colcanic fissures. Normal skill is like molten stike but 20%less attack speed. It is too weak according to the data now, even its vaal skill focuses on map clear, low "chain" speed seems a severe problem, and both of them won't be popular.
Vaal cleave. Its normal version is far too weak than normal skills, no matter map clear or boss fight. Buff from vaal cleave is very powerful, but cannot save it due to its long attack recover, and the lethal 80% attack speed effectiveness. At least, I wouldn't like to advice anyone to use it. If its buff benefited all melee skills, it would be the most popular vaal melee skill, but UwU~~~~~
Vaal flicker strike. Its normal version is a popular melee skill, and its damage effectiveness is good. The problem of this vaal skill is the same as vaal cyclone, I don't think ggg will add damage reduction or immunation during you use it, and you cannot even leech during about 30 strikes, its horrible. Besides, the limitation of attack speed is 30.3 per second, several strikes might be lost due to this mechanism.
For the love of god.....plz.....make the vulnerable to elements squares not circles. (Anything noticeably different)

You guys did such a great update for the color blind. anything but colors to identify
Sexy elemental icons.
The elemental icons are a good idea but..

1) RED is the first thing that you see when you look BUT you do NOT care about weaknesses, because you know anyway what curse you put on it

2) I just want to know in a split second if it is IMMUNE to my damage type
and I only look anyway if the monster does not die right away

3) so red should only be VERY HIGH resistances (orange = high), and maybe dont even show any other resistances that are normal or lowered

but that's just my 2 alteration shards ;)
Thesuffering wrote:
aefoa wrote:
Could someone explain to me why people like Vaal skills?
There's little to no options to invest in to reduce soul gain prevention time, therefore making vaal skills an additional button that you have to keep visual tracking of for whether it's ready to be used or not, this makes gameplay more stressful in terms of the attention it draws for such a small impact that it provides within an insignificant period of time.

As i see Vaal skills, they only add some dps against map bosses and maybe legions, depending on the skill's mechanics.

Well, they are good for oh shit moments when you are overwhelmed. Like when you have a few yellows on you. That said I am usually a cyclone user so that was never an option. Vaal cyclone is the worst skill in the game.

If by worst you mean funniest. Sure, it's not very useful, but I swear I laugh my ass off whenever I use Vaal Cyclone.
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I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with
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Consider to stay colour on "vulnerable" as "monster is resistant".
Add "plus" or "arrow pointing up" slighty under resistance icon.

When all is red is way harder to tell which element monster is more resist to.

As pure phys build player I think this res icons are invasive and ugly
This new update for resistance/vulnerable elements on monsters sounds like a joke to me.

Besides that is it hard to "read" at first sight, it becomes even harder when you are colorblind (like me).

Try using other shapes for the icons, and/or placing ones on the right side of the bar and others on the left side.
The icons for resistance/vulnerability:

- ROUND icon for vulnerable
- SQUARE icon for resistant

(or the other way round. what matters is: not the same shape! Again an obvious mistake...)

- normal resistance: white
- medium: orange
- red: immune

(I'm not sure white is even needed but I would not mind)

1.) ROUND ORANGE FIRE means: mob is medium vulnerable to fire damage
2.) SQUARE RED ICE means: mob is immune to ice damage

How many colors you use in the end is up to you but the shapes need to be different to improve the speed of understanding what is what.

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Last edited by Antigegner#0560 on Dec 5, 2022, 5:47:23 PM

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