The Forbidden Sanctum FAQ

strike skills should have free melee splash AND +2 strike additional enemies by default. What other build in the game forces gem swaps like melee? Why does a poison viper or pestilent strike build have to path over to duelist/marauder to get +1 strike? I POB'd this build all excitedly and then erased it once I realized this. Please better balance your game, guys.
Next league should be called Betrayal 2.0 with Jonathan as the main boss players must defeat to get their game back. This whale has been harpooned to death until further notice. I won, /vg/ and stalker schizos lost. Zaccie had to delete 90k discord posts to save his job. Never forget.
Last edited by jrv209#2500 on Dec 5, 2022, 7:23:49 PM
Im kind of curios when do we see the new core support packs?
Please can you tell me if the current base ability for the Ryslatha pantheon "life flasks gain 3 flasks every 3 seconds if you havent used a flask recently" has been replced by the new mod or has it in addition.
JesusIsBIack wrote:

Hmmm.. people want seismic nerfed again instead of other skills buffed to be useful? weird indeed

Seismic doesnt need to be they said, its not meta defining :)
I'm sure this has probably already been asked, what are the plans for build that use mistwalker and withering step that didn't use nightblade? The changes to Withering step for poison based spell builds on assassin basically made it so you have to choose between having a source of wither or an ascendancy node that basically was the main source of survivability and movement speed.

I get that maybe the goal was to move away from having a way to consistently refresh elusive due to withering steps interactions being the only of its kind, but wouldn't a better solution to this problem be to still allow for withering step to function but just not reapply the elusive. It seems like a fairly easy fix just have withering step check for an elusive buff and if there is one then don't apply elusive. That way build that want wither can still get it and you don't have elusive refreshing.

(TLDR) Problem: Builds like Poison BF BB and Poison BV are now in a weird spot where they cant us mistwalker if they want to get a source of wither from withering step.

Solution: have withering step not apply elusive if elusive is already active.
instead of 'trying' to buff melee in various obscured ways that even you know won't make that much of a difference, why not.. i don't know.. just directly buff melee skills? significantly? don't make it out to be more complicated than it actually is.

Also, please try not to speak to the players like you're superior and we're all children, because, well we're not all children and you're only where you are because we decide to support you, both with our time and money. So maybe it would be better if you could get rid of your superiority complex.

I think it's important to remember that Path of Exile achieved this level of success because in the beginning it was the game made by developers that TRULY and WHOLEHEARTEDLY LISTENED TO THE PLAYERS AND REALLY CARED ABOUT THEIR EXPERIENCE. It was not you and your vision that made this game a success, it was the community that rallied together and gave you the opportunity. It was less about money and more about the game. Sure things change when you grew this big this fast, but you can also lose everything THAT fast so sometimes it's good to look back and see how you got here.

Lastly, i know you have your obligation to TENCENT and your investors and stockholders, but please, don't breed the next generation of gambling addicts. You know what you're doing, you do. Maybe it won't affect the stronger minds that much, but there are also a lot of impressionable youngsters who play this game and will develop a lifelong addiction to gambling because that's exactly what you're trying to achieve with all these mechanics you introduce to the game.

I say all this truly as a fan who loved the game and devs that you were.
I hope you could consider some of the points here.

nice one :D
imo if seismic looks fine in regards too the total player base playing it i think it is fine, top 1% will always do the min/max strats anyway, nomatter what it is, and something better will come along at some point anyway.
Too me at least it is way more important too not risk bricking something that people enjoy just because top 1% are bored with it.
and i know there is a happy middle ground somewhere in there.
And no one will play hit Armageddon brand because it fails at hitting the enemy like any other brand in the game... Why don't they just lower its damage then and change the way it works or remove it from the game? They gave it huge numerical buffs and its still 0 if the enemy can just run from under it
As far as traps go, I do not mind how strong they are or not because I do not really like that play style. So I am not gonna run around screaming nerf this or that.

What I will say is when can melee get buffs to match the risk of it's play style?
I don't earn mirrors so I cannot just make anything overpowered, I am a normal guy.
What I don't find fair is the intense amount of investment in defenses and accuracy we must undertake that ranged can just dodge around, only to do fractions of damage compared to other builds.

I do not want anything nerfed, I just want things buffed to be on par with other skills. I was told the only way this would happen is if new MTX's are released for melee builds so there would be incentive to buff them, and this is seeming slightly true.

This will be the first league in ages I won't be doing melee as I am tired of the headache. Please consider this.

Thanks for all your hard work and I look forward to the league!
Last edited by Rotgarg#0212 on Dec 6, 2022, 4:15:59 AM
Happy to see that one of my questions has been answered :)

But have another one and hopefully we'll receive an answer.

Kingmaker will be very rare in this Expansion. Are you not afraid that Animated Guardian builds (and all other builds which you it) will be dead?

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