Where to Find Info on Launch Day

Very very happy about the FAQ Post after each Manifesto! Please keep doing those!

Also appreciate that you address even the mean-spirited Accusations in those FAQ, as this is what is exactly necessary
Kraai1986 wrote:
Please post approximate time server Wil go down and up for download tomorrow. I know it is useally two houers before launch. Just want to confirm that this is stil the case since we are starting earlier than usual

The server goes down for deployment three hours before the countdown ends.
I can understand dropping reddit for the negativity but the biggest problem with the forums is that the top comments are like "Neat" or "Awesome".
Berek's Grip Ice Spear
Budget Magicfind and/or Hardcore Flame Totem
this is great news, thanks.
I'd still say that leaving Reddit was a terrible move, but hey, you do you, let's hope the game is still alive when poe2 is ready
Get rolled, Reddit.
Next league should be called Betrayal 2.0 with Jonathan as the main boss players must defeat to get their game back. This whale has been harpooned to death until further notice. I won, /vg/ and stalker schizos lost. Zaccie had to delete 90k discord posts to save his job. Never forget.
Great news all around!

On the RAQ - could you add a date/time stamp to each question? I just reread it, and I swear that there was new info both before and after the 20/20 gem question.

Makes it hard to visit and revisit when you aren't sure whats new and what you've already read

Perhaps just have a locked RAQ thread that *only* has the questions and answers and a companion RAQ Discussion thread. The forum would be able to keep track of when RAQs were posted in the locked thread, as well if they had been edited recently...

Just my $0.02 worth...

Now we wait for reddit requesting to bring back Official Posts as "QoL" lul
The pale flame of his heart disappeared in his azure reflection.
The work of a life.
Ambitious, and unfinished.
Last edited by lindre002#2361 on Dec 7, 2022, 10:27:37 PM
The Recently Asked Questions thread needs to be visible on the home page of the official website. How are people supposed to find it if they aren't already familiar with how to find it (e.g., pathofexile.com/raq) or aren't familiar with the forum directory (Announcements)?

On a related note, the home page needs some serious updating, as it's very awkward to navigate. It's very archaic at this point, in my opinion.

Nice changes overall!
Last edited by Nicksiren#6476 on Dec 7, 2022, 10:36:28 PM
A+++ decision to divorce that shithole subreddit.

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