3.20.1: Improved Kirac's Vault Pass and Sanctum Content Update

This league would be 10x better if you guys just gave us TWO runs per map. It's a lot of fun, but it takes WAY to long to get enough runs if you're not a ZOOMER build.
Subtractem wrote:
This is easily shaping up to potentially be the best league of all time. PLEASE figure out a way to make this core!

Everyone seems to like this league, but I really don't get it. What's the trick to getting past the first three rooms?
LMAO, no real reason to ever use those unique relics if they are gonna get destroyed the next run.

ScreenName wrote:
Subtractem wrote:
This is easily shaping up to potentially be the best league of all time. PLEASE figure out a way to make this core!

Everyone seems to like this league, but I really don't get it. What's the trick to getting past the first three rooms?

You need a build that can literally melt content, if you're playing certain builds that lack damage, forget about it.

Not too sure why GGG decided to go with glass cannon league meta in a rogue like league content, but it is what it is.

Did like the atlas tree changes thou, not gonna lie
An issue i've noticed is that now that i've made a mapping character, they aren't very good in sanctum. (Low damage and can't deal with the bosses very well) Meanwhile my bossing character works great.

The issue is that I can't run my sanctums on my bossing character because I don't use it for mapping anymore, but I can't run my sanctums on my mapping character because I just fail them all.

Lakes were itemizable and it worked well for me last league, but this league I can't do that :(
Plz fix Eternal Damnation doesnt reduce RF Damage not sure about the rest if its working or not.
Last edited by Barneylol#4007 on Dec 15, 2022, 2:40:30 PM
please add more biomes and different mobs to the sanctum

also more type of boons

it's too basic right now, gets repetitive really quick..
32 map per sanctum too much. pls give more charges per map
it's really the best league in the last year
Last edited by kmalex#4367 on Dec 15, 2022, 2:47:44 PM
It takes half an hour to power a mechanic you play for less than 10 minutes, it really is too much of a grind to get rooms and don't you dare say that this is balanced so players don't get too many relics.
Add more mods for minions on relic pls

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