3.20.1 Patch Notes Preview

Rekill wrote:
BurstData wrote:
SixCeeding wrote:
Excuse me?

"Fixed a bug where Ancestral Warchief Totems using the Void Ancestral Warchief microtransaction took more damage than intended."

Are we really going to pass over this?! I was under the impression that this could NEVER happen as MTX has NOTHING to do with pay to win! Makes me wonder how much other stuff is going on that we don't know about.. Hmmm...

Can't up vote this enough.

Thats indeed very suspicious ??

If you dont know about coding u should probably stop talking, you're being ridiculous at this point.

Yes, we're going to pass over this. Its fixed, u know.

JoeShmo wrote:
So no changes to the ungodly quick and barely telegraphed abilities of sanctum guardians?

Unless youre playing with 30% increased action speed, they're more than fine. Time to work on your reflexes bro.

JoeShmo wrote:

So no changes to taking resolve damage for non "telegraphed" attacks contrary to what was stated in the reveal stream?

GGG wrote:
Characters that are up close to their target now take even less damage to their Resolve.

Reading is cool.

JoeShmo wrote:

So no changes to shotgunning sanctum abilities recking all of your resolve in 1 go, or their hitboxes being atrociously larger than their visual?

Random player finds out you get oneshooted at Path of Exile, the end will surprise you.

JoeShmo wrote:

So no changes to having sanctum portals spawn right in front of you all the time and having them automatically enter them instead of being a choice like all previous league encounters in existence?

They dont spawn in front of you, they show up in the map upon creation.

So, still not learning to look at the map while playing huh?

JoeShmo wrote:

So no changes to the overwhelming amount of sanctum penalties that you are forced into, including ones that brick your run, at no fault of your own?

So youre not running maps either right? because almost every single map mod benefits monsters.

Surprise bro, the sanctum works the same.

JoeShmo wrote:

So nothing to actually improve the experience of sanctum for 99% of players, while you spent the whole last 2 weeks working on the gigantic wall of bugs and unique relics / etc. that very few players are able to do ... rather than improving the value of doing sanctum for everyone?

Actually 99% of the players benefit of those improvements. Only 1% who cant even dodge league mechanic in a map doesnt.


JoeShmo wrote:

And this will be the last "meaningful" patch for the league, since it's week 2, like the previous leagues for the last couple years.

Great. Good to know.

100% u wont show up in the next patch
Last edited by Riverwind77#5126 on Dec 21, 2022, 7:25:58 AM
too little, too late. maybe next time take the time that you need to present a well made, finished league
Can't believe Blight is getting buffs! I actually have been mostly running blight maps this league as I'm not a huge fan of the sanctum, and I was getting really really good ROI on blight, this is just a lot of extra value! Can't wait to get home and try it out!
Are we getting a preview of the new core supporter packs? Undecided if I should get an upgrade of my tier of the current ones available and regretting in case the new ones are to die for D:
w33do_ndy wrote:
too little, too late. maybe next time take the time that you need to present a well made, finished league

The claaaassic too little, too late. The bread and butter of hater hot takes.

Riverwind77 wrote:

JoeShmo wrote:

So no changes to the overwhelming amount of sanctum penalties that you are forced into, including ones that brick your run, at no fault of your own?

So youre not running maps either right? because almost every single map mod benefits monsters.

Surprise bro, the sanctum works the same.

Supplies bro, sanctum doesnt work the same. Because in almost every single map you can heal your life anytime u want to, or port out and refill flasks, or something.

In sanctum, u cant heal your resolve/inspiration except in very conditional situation, and almost never in same sanctum map where u took resolve damage. Also, almost always same level sanctum monsters are more resilient/resistant/lifebuffed and generally die harder than map monsters.
Last edited by Zenshii#3162 on Dec 21, 2022, 8:16:50 AM
HDTanel wrote:
Thank you for the extra updates!
Please continue to develop Sanctum, this can be one of the greatest league mechanics ever for POE but only if it gets updated, new rooms, new boons, etc. Right now it gets a bit depressing seeing corridor rooms and they repeat very often.

I realy enjoy the League and i appreciate the patch - thanks a lot :)
yeah whatever
"buff grenades"

- Buff Grenades (Buff-Grenades)
Last edited by auspexa#1404 on Dec 21, 2022, 10:08:54 AM
Thanks, i finally like the league mechanic, the only bad point of it being too long and rooms lacking diversity.

Make the sanctum portal clickable please, it's annoying being teleported time to time when an abyss decide to pit right on it.

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