3.20.2 Patch Notes Preview

Can we get some QoL and be able to view buffs and debuffs encountered in last zone?
Maybe a /debuffs command that lists all debuffs encountered in last instance?
I like the darkshrine description; I have been waiting quite a long time.
oklimthefourth wrote:
Why is it still not possible to store more than 8 rooms of sanctum?
Why do I still get sucked into the sanctum while mapping?

Fix Multithreading bug plx.
Are the servers down for patching? what is happening
did you guys accidentally the servers again? xD
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
How long is the server down?
Glad to see another patch. Wish we could save more than 8 rooms as well.
Doing 32 maps for whole sanctum and breaking it up four times in stressful.

nothing to see here!

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