What is the point of living life?

just suffer and die
my english sux.
Ivanovv83 wrote:
The goal of life is to end.

my english sux.
SilentSymphony wrote:
To achieve immortality and to create a source of infinite energy to survive potential energy die out and then time travel if possible to go back and save everyone and everything.

i like it
my english sux.
Last edited by Ivanovv83#6618 on Apr 1, 2023, 4:43:01 PM
to laugh into the cosmic void we inhabit and release life is an accident, if we lacked self-awareness life would be devoid of meaning because meaning only comes with consciousness, to live life like an animal would be freedom but ignorant of the world, the universe we are part of, this is scary to me.

Fear makes life worse, life is too short but too long too, it's something we just accept but it is amazing and magical, a miracle, being alive is the point of living, we can create reasons for living but once we die they die with us. So just live it anyway that makes you happy, the alternative is a life not worth living.
Last edited by AbilityPoints#9049 on Mar 29, 2023, 11:06:29 AM
No, Fulfillment is a lie we tell ourselves to defend our need to increase social standing. If there was a pleasure box
Everyone would use it, and nobody would interact or even think about "improving" one self, there would be no point. And thats exactly it. There is no point in anything, neither religion nor philosophy. The Original thought experiment was even shallow compared to the true potential of the idea. what if it could simulate experience directly without time as a factor, imagine having created/destroyed universes through billions of years and having experienced any and everything you and your fellow humans has ever imagined. nobody would every leave for a relevant period of time.

And there is also no non physical phenomena, as everything in this world is a physical phenomena. Nikolai tesla thought electricity/quantum states etc. is not physical, he was wrong. It is a physical phenomena, but back then the definition of the term was graspable or seeing(with the human eye only) phenomena. Don't take citations outside their true meaning to fake some sort of spirituality that wasn't meant.

The ancient sages of bharat only tried to find something cool sounding which cannot be proven or falsified like absolutely all other religions did too. Perception is just a cool word for seeing and hearing, nothing special here. And Intuition is just a bias on experience, sorry. Nothing special here. And there never was. I understand that you believe, but that is actually not proof that those things ever existed. Your TLDR is still true through, but not because of some old sages, but because in a society helping another is paramount for success.
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Last edited by tsunamikun#0433 on Mar 31, 2023, 8:11:13 AM
PozeraczCial wrote:
yes What is the point of living life since we die quickly anyway?
time works like damage over time
and there is no defense against it

The brevity is what makes every moment valuable. Finite resource and all that. The point is whatever you make it.

If you think there's no point, you're right.

If you think the point is to pursue impossible perfection in the art of origami, you're right.

If you think the point is to spend your time getting stoned and eating strawberry-glazed donuts, you're right.

Granted, later on, you may realize the previous you was profoundly mistaken.

Philosophical ramblings and jokes aside, persistent musings about the meaning or pointlessness of life are sometimes a sign of depression. Happy and fulfilled people don't ponder existential questions, they are too busy enjoying themselves.

The first step in a serious investigation of the question about the meaning of life should be just to cover your bases: make sure you have a reasonable diet, sleep schedule, physical activity levels, productive endeavor, social interactions, and enough sunlight (or vitamin D supplements). If all of these are taken care of, the question is likely to disappear.

If you're still wondering at that point, I would recommend the pragmatic approach - check out the Harvard study on happiness. The TLDR oversimplified version: don't abuse alcohol or drugs and work towards stable, long-term friendships and relationships with good people. It's simple (not to be mistaken with easy!) and it works.
You have to be realistic about these things.
Logen Ninefingers
Last edited by Bars#2689 on Apr 5, 2023, 6:36:23 AM
Evidence is for agreement. (Politics is for agreement "within" specific groups.)
Everything I do should be wrong so please correct me if I do it right <3

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I like Elon Musk's answer to this question.

Basically, we do not have the knowledge to understand or answer it right now.
The best bet is to explore our universe, to be better equipped for this question.

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