No Balance Manifestos for 3.21 - Here's Why

Define "Very soon" :D It can be 20 minutes or 2 weeks.
HoolaBandoola, creator of all things Hoola and destroyer of Rhoas.
My reaction to that information:
Thanks for the Forbidden Sanctum, GGG, that was great league <3
"While there are of course some small nerfs, 3.21 is most definitely not a nerf-fest."

Surely this is true and we won't have the community throw this line in your face later down the line...
Next league should be called Betrayal 2.0 with Jonathan as the main boss players must defeat to get their game back. This whale has been harpooned to death until further notice.
Eclypsons wrote:
ibims111 wrote:
the best thing to do when you had a bad day is to read comments about PoE. There is nothing else that displays what is wrong with the community more than this. I am simply amused by all the rage, hate, speculation and fake-facts put out there in the comments.

What a bunch of financial experts, game-mechanic/design experts and game publishers there are. Hilarious.

22 pages of uselessness.

Stop deepthroating dude, they won't give you free mtx

I'm struggling to come up with new goals to keep me playing this game.
Our balance goals with 3.21 are to provide more options and more fun for as many builds as possible

I want to believe.
I hope Ultimatum gets put into Standard with 3.21. At least something new for Standard players to play instead of waiting a year to play new content
🔷🔶🔰🌀✨Make trade like the Grand Exchange from RuneScape✨🌀🔰🔶🔷

Let us zoom out more. Bring back 32:9, Heist Alt Quality Gems, Gear Enchanting, Prophecy, Metamorph & Crucible. Stop removing content from the game. Stop nerfing everything. Stop making the game slow
Our changes to curses were too powerful. Curses no longer reduce enemy resistance, they now apply exposure at 50% of previous values.

And temp chains has been removed from the game.

Marks have 80% reduced effectiveness.

Nimis has been removed from the game.
Palldarvi wrote:
Why so many of u are pissed off before u know anything about 3.21?
Chill and relax, GGG will inform soon.

Maybe there are nerfs but in most cases in the past ggg close some doors and open some others.
Cant remember that there are leave many players the com cause of some nerfs.
So calm down and wait what happens


It's internet culture right now to be in a state of rage, rather or not it's justified varies month to month.

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