[3.24] Ice Shot / Lightning Arrow Deadeye (Or Tornado Shot) - 400%+ MS, League Start Viable!

FabioShinoda wrote:
Grandhope wrote:
I don't see where the ascendancy points should be spent. I don't want to brick this build or something please help!

1- Gathering Winds
2- Occupying Force
3- Endless Munitions
4- Focal Point

Why Occupying Force, why not Ricochet with +1 chain? I think chain better for clear maps or i'm wrong?
Last edited by gizmo032#5570 on Apr 9, 2023, 4:09:44 AM
Honestly, this build feels terrible. I swapped to Grim's build and it was way better in survivability, clearspeed and single target. This is just a huge miss.
Should I use gem links listed in POB or here on the website? One does include GMP, the other does not. Help me out please. Thanks
SleepyV wrote:
Fallstaff wrote:
AethGorr wrote:
What the reason in Blink Arrow? Primary purpose is travel? Is it just matter of preference and i may use much familiar Flame Dash or i miss something?

This is a good question. I was wondering as well. I feel Blink Arrow to be clunky. Is this a requirement?

It is very clunky at first but gets better the faster your projectile speed gets, you don't have to wait as long for it to land. Realistically, you can use whatever movement skill you prefer. The big benefit for BA is the cooldown node, it makes it more viable than FD for long distances and faster mapping in the top end.

Ah, so Blink Arrow, being attack skill, benefits a lot from cooldown and increased attack speed. Plus has longer distance. And Flame Dash, being cast skill, relies on cast speed, which we don't raise. Okay, need to try Blink Arrow more precisely.
yanyong93 wrote:
Honestly, this build feels terrible. I swapped to Grim's build and it was way better in survivability, clearspeed and single target. This is just a huge miss.

Ok? Don't know what you did wrong but this build has been the smoothest track to red maps for me so far.
ifpappi wrote:
yanyong93 wrote:
Honestly, this build feels terrible. I swapped to Grim's build and it was way better in survivability, clearspeed and single target. This is just a huge miss.

Ok? Don't know what you did wrong but this build has been the smoothest track to red maps for me so far.

Smooth track to red maps? So you're not even on red maps? Why are you talking then?

Buddy you're on 4 link items that aren't even worth 1c each. Bad players telling me how 'well' they're doing. Hilarious.
Last edited by Alpha23512#3159 on Apr 9, 2023, 8:56:44 AM
Rainge40 wrote:
lethalbizz wrote:
What do we do for Bandits? kill all?

I was curious about this as well

I don't know if you found out or not but just in case for anyone wondering the same.

in path of building in the top left corner click on configuration, and in the general section you can see the bandit quest choice, which is "kill all" for this build
heya good build unitl now. starting on maps but i have a question. how the berserk works?? in your video i see the red bars on the side. but with me it doesnt do anything. probably doing something wrong or missing something. Thank you
Monkadás wrote:
heya good build unitl now. starting on maps but i have a question. how the berserk works?? in your video i see the red bars on the side. but with me it doesnt do anything. probably doing something wrong or missing something. Thank you

But it on "Always attack without moveing"
Is it just me or is nobody taking that mirage archer passive Occupying Force? All on poeninja seem to be opting for Ricochet or Far Shot instead.

Has anyone tried Occupying Force yet? Does it feel good enough to compete with those others?

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