Nice build! How would you change the links if one were to play Ice shot instead of TS? Ty!
Posted byBf4thewin#6578on Apr 3, 2023, 2:18:16 AM
Bf4thewin wrote:
Nice build! How would you change the links if one were to play Ice shot instead of TS? Ty!
Thanks! If you use the updated PoB which I will post tomorrow, literally just swap TS to ice shot.
Last edited by yankuch#2841 on Apr 3, 2023, 2:54:52 AM
Posted byyankuch#2841on Apr 3, 2023, 2:54:37 AM
yankuch wrote:
Marthix wrote:
If I want to do Vaal LA or IS, do I simply swap it for TS and the rest is the same?
I still have some testing to do but so far it seems like this would be the only change you have to do to play LA or IS. Do note that you should expect much less single target when your vaal LA or vaal IS is down compared to TS
Could you explain this? Why would you expect higher single target from TS then LA or IS?
Posted bygarpur90#2636on Apr 3, 2023, 3:02:49 AM
Wanted to ask two things:
1) Is mirage archer ascendancy passive really good? Never used it, so can't really judge. Just in theory, for Lightning Arrow/Ice Shot it might be suboptimal since mirage arrow support doesn't work with vaal skills, so maybe for the sake of maximizing return proj + damage from vaal version it's better to drop support + ascendancy and go for mark+chain/far shot ascendancy, and add extra damage support or even chain support hmm?
2) About returning projectiles - from patch notes and FAQ we have:
Projectiles from skills which force them to explode or otherwise destroy the projectile before checking for other behaviours, such as the Concoction skills, will now consistently prevent returning, just like this prevents other projectile behaviours.
Will Nimis projectiles return even if they hit nothing?
In most cases, yes. A projectile which flies out uninterrupted to the maximum projectile range will return instead of just stopping there. But returning, like piercing/chaining/etc, does not extend how long a projectile can exist. If a projectile lasts for an explicit duration like Spark, or fades out over a fixed time like Freezing Pulse, it stops existing after that and can't then return.
So, I'm not sure, but seems like returning proj now might work bad with TS unless having invested enough into proj speed? Or secondary projectiles never returned anyway? Maybe on budget LA or IS are preferable options for damage stacking since both should work with proj returning just fine?
P.S. As for stance swapping GGG said that they will give additional feedback, so you can include that as an optional thing in the build since for now it's not certain if that interaction will be nerfed or survive...
Posted bytheio666#0908on Apr 3, 2023, 3:12:26 AM
Hello and thanks for the guide. Played up to lvl 20 so far so I can't really get a full grasp of the build.
As a dad of 2 I only get a little bit of time here and there to play. I am wondering if this can work as a one and done build or is this more for super fast early league mapping to reroll once you strike it rich? I took a long break once my second was born so I'm way out of the loop. I think expedition was the last league I played a lot.
Thanks again!
Posted byNamper#2171on Apr 3, 2023, 7:41:42 AM
Really cool build! Do you plan on using the new adrenaline mastery? If so can it fit into the build?
Posted byMrPocoyo#4275on Apr 3, 2023, 11:40:38 AM
MrPocoyo wrote:
Really cool build! Do you plan on using the new adrenaline mastery? If so can it fit into the build?
I do actually! Right there in act 2 we get 50% uptime on adrenaline
Posted byyankuch#2841on Apr 3, 2023, 12:34:56 PM
Namper wrote:
Hello and thanks for the guide. Played up to lvl 20 so far so I can't really get a full grasp of the build.
As a dad of 2 I only get a little bit of time here and there to play. I am wondering if this can work as a one and done build or is this more for super fast early league mapping to reroll once you strike it rich? I took a long break once my second was born so I'm way out of the loop. I think expedition was the last league I played a lot.
Thanks again!
Great question, the answer.. it boils down to how much you can play and what content you want to do.
I did all content with this build, but the uber pinnacle bosses require either a hefty investment, (30 div+) or some defenses adjustment to even feel possible. (evasion is great for mapping but almost irrelevant in ubers, so our 150k eHP vs attacks means very little when we get one shot by spells)
This Build has virtually no ceiling when it comes to upgrading it. It's definitely a build you can league start with and push into deep endgame.
Posted byyankuch#2841on Apr 3, 2023, 12:41:37 PM
theio666 wrote:
Wanted to ask two things:
1) Is mirage archer ascendancy passive really good? Never used it, so can't really judge. Just in theory, for Lightning Arrow/Ice Shot it might be suboptimal since mirage arrow support doesn't work with vaal skills, so maybe for the sake of maximizing return proj + damage from vaal version it's better to drop support + ascendancy and go for mark+chain/far shot ascendancy, and add extra damage support or even chain support hmm?
2) About returning projectiles - from patch notes and FAQ we have:
Projectiles from skills which force them to explode or otherwise destroy the projectile before checking for other behaviours, such as the Concoction skills, will now consistently prevent returning, just like this prevents other projectile behaviours.
Will Nimis projectiles return even if they hit nothing?
In most cases, yes. A projectile which flies out uninterrupted to the maximum projectile range will return instead of just stopping there. But returning, like piercing/chaining/etc, does not extend how long a projectile can exist. If a projectile lasts for an explicit duration like Spark, or fades out over a fixed time like Freezing Pulse, it stops existing after that and can't then return.
So, I'm not sure, but seems like returning proj now might work bad with TS unless having invested enough into proj speed? Or secondary projectiles never returned anyway? Maybe on budget LA or IS are preferable options for damage stacking since both should work with proj returning just fine?
P.S. As for stance swapping GGG said that they will give additional feedback, so you can include that as an optional thing in the build since for now it's not certain if that interaction will be nerfed or survive...
You're right, if you wanted to go all in on the vaal versions, you could take far shot instead of mirage archers, I like mirage archers too much to give up on them but this is for sure an alternative.
As for the returning projectiles, we will have to test it in 3.21 to see what happens to TS, it used to be that the secondary projectiles dont return but the primary ones do, so it would only be a significant dps boost when paired with sniper's mark since the split turns into tornado far from the target, for only little chance at shotgunning, but if they were to return, they would explode right on top of the target.
Posted byyankuch#2841on Apr 3, 2023, 12:48:09 PM
garpur90 wrote:
yankuch wrote:
Marthix wrote:
If I want to do Vaal LA or IS, do I simply swap it for TS and the rest is the same?
I still have some testing to do but so far it seems like this would be the only change you have to do to play LA or IS. Do note that you should expect much less single target when your vaal LA or vaal IS is down compared to TS
Could you explain this? Why would you expect higher single target from TS then LA or IS?
I tested TS with a self poison setup to calculate how much shotgunning it does at multiple projectiles breakpoints and when paired with sniper's mark's splits.
the result is that it has much more true damage effectiveness for single target than lightning arrow or ice shot
The vaal versions or LA / IS could shake the meta though! we'll have to see
Last edited by yankuch#2841 on Apr 3, 2023, 12:52:01 PM
Posted byyankuch#2841on Apr 3, 2023, 12:50:16 PM